Category: Evening Chabura

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Shevat 6, Daf 47a-47b (01/15/23)

Major Question:

Why do some people not sit in the Sukkah the night of Shemini Atzeres?

Why do some people just make kiddush inside the Sukkah but eat their meal in their house?

See טור אורח חיים ס’ תרס”ח

See ערוך השולחן ס’ תרס”ח סע’ ג’- ו

Learn שפת אמת דף מו: “מיתב כולי עלמא 

For an entirely new reading and understanding of the Gemara and how the Gemara concluded there is no obligation to sit inside the Sukkah on Shemini Atzeres in chutz laaretz

Please write a summary of this Sugya and list the different explanations in the ruling יתובי יתבינן ברוכי לא מברכינן

Learn the גמרא דף  מז. “ואמר ר’ יוחנן (middle of the Amud) until דף מז: “הכי נמי מסתברא (top of the Amud)

Topic: Bracha of Shechiyanu on Shemini Atzeres


Why didn’t the gemara also list that the Aravah is not taken on Shemini Atzeres?

See שפת אמת “שהרי חלוק for an explanation

The Gemara asks why don’t we recite the bracha of Shechiyanu on the Yom tov of Seventh day of Pesach as it is different from the first day of Pesach in regards to the requirement to eat matzah. 

Based on the above difference Shechiyanu should be said on the first day of chol hamoed? 

See שפת אמת “אי הכי for an explanation


Is there a difference between the multiple explanations of the Amoraim as to why Shechiyanu is recited on Shemini Atzeres but not on the seventh day of Pesach?

Learn תוספת “הכא

Learn תוספת “שיר

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Wednesday night shiur, Rosh Chodesh Shevat, Daf 47a (01/10/23)

Topic: Sitting inside the Sukkah on Shemini Atzeres in chutz laaretz (based on גמרא דף מז. “הלכתא ) 

Halachic Conclusion: 

The conclusion of the Gemara is that one must sit inside the Sukkah on Shemini Atzeres in chutz laaretz but does not recite the bracha of Leshev Basukkah.

Learn שו”ע או”ח ס’ תרס”ח סע’ א

What is the halacha in regards to sleeping in the sukkah on Shemini Atzeres in chutz laaretz

Learn the מרדכי פרק רביעי ס’ תשעב an  דרכי משה ס’ תרס”ח ס”ק ב & ג – who says it is prohibited to.

And בית יוסף ס’ תרס”ח סע’ א and Vilna Gaon- One is required

How does the Mordechai explain the ruling of יתובי יתבינן ברוכי לא מברכינן?

How is this different than Tosfos explanation?

What is the halacha in regards to eating fruit and drinks inside the Sukkah on the eighth day of Sukkos in chutz laaretz?

See משנה ברורה ס”ק ו who brings the Machatzis Hashekel that one should not eat them inside the Sukkah and the שער הציון אות ד-ט who explains this is based on the opinion of the Mordechai 

But the Divrei Chaim rules that even according to the Mordechai it is permitted 

Major Question:

Why do some people not sit in the Sukkah the night of Shemini Atzeres?

Why do some people just make kiddush inside the Sukkah but eat their meal in their house?

See טור אורח חיים ס’ תרס”ח

See ערוך השולחן ס’ תרס”ח סע’ ג’- ו

Learn שפת אמת דף מו: “מיתב כולי עלמא

For an entirely new reading and understanding of the Gemara and how the Gemara concluded there is no obligation to sit inside the Sukkah on Shemini Atzeres in chutz laaretz

Please write a summary of this Sugya and list the different explanations in the ruling יתובי יתבינן ברוכי לא מברכינן

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Wednesday night shiur, Shevat 22 , Daf 47b-48a (01/31/23)

Continue learning the Gemara until the Mishna דף מח

Quickly review the גמרא דף מז: “וסבר ר’ יהודה until “מאי הוי עלה (four lines from bottom of the Amud)

Learn תוספת מז. “לינה 


How many nights is one obligated to stay in Yerushalayim during Sukkos? 

List the different requirements for לינה  

Continue learning the Gemara until the Mishna דף מח


Why did ר’ יהודה only list four out of six items in which Shemini Atzeres is different from the rest of Sukkos?

Why doesn’t the braissa list the difference of לינה?

Learn “רש”י ראש השנה דף ד: “פז”ר קש”ב 

Note Rashi gives a different explanation in what רגל בפני עצמו means than he does in our Gemara. 

Learn “תוספת סוכה מח. “רגל who asks a question on Rashi and brings different opinions for the explanation of רגל בפני עצמו 

Learn ריטב”א who discusses many of the above questions.  

In Conclusion:

Is Shemini Atzeres an entirely new Yom Tov or is it an extension of Sukkos?

If in shemoneh esrei or birkas hamazon a person says “וביום חג הסוכות  instead of וביום שמיני עצרת does he have to repeat?  

What is the correct wording used in shemoneh esrei when mentioning Shemini Atzeres?

See רש”י דף מז: “ברכת המזון

Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרס”ח, א (until “ובחוץ לארץ”)

See מגן אברהם ס”ק א and learn segments of the ט”ז ס”ק א 

Learn משנה ברורה ס”ק ב & ג

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Teves 21, Daf 46b (01/01/24)

Learn גמרא דף מו: “וא”ר זירא until ובפלוגתא”


Why doesn’t ר’ זירא say it is forbidden to lie as the Torah instructs מדבר שקר תרחק?

Learn גמרא דף מו: “ובפלוגתא until דף מז. “ואמר ר’ יוחנן (middle of the Amud) 


Are Daled Minim Muktzah on the eighth day of Sukkos? In Eretz Yisrael? In chutz laaretz? 

What about the ninth day of Sukkos in chutz laaretz?

Does one shake the Daled Minim on the eighth day? 

Why should the Daled Minim be muktzah on the eighth day of they are not used? 

Learn תוספת “שמיני

And  תוספת מז top of the Amud  

Is the wood and decorations of the Sukkah Muktzah on the eighth day of Sukkos? In Eretz Yisrael? In chutz laaretz? What about the ninth day of Sukkos in chutz laaretz?

Clarify the difference between the two לשונות of the Gemara as to what is the machlokes between רב and ר’ יוחנן 

Question on Sugya of Muktzah of Daled Minim:

The Gemara דף לו עמוד ב records that ר’ יוחנן would take a couple of bites from his Esrog during Sukkos.

How was this permitted as the Esrog is Muktzah for Sukkos according to all opinions until he is finished using it in the seventh day?

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Wednesday night shiur, Teves 16, Daf 46b (12/27/23)

Conclusion Sugya: Gifting Daled Minim to a Katan 

Halachic Conclusion:

Review שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרנ”ח סע’ ו


Does a father fulfill his Mitzvah of Chinuch if he lends the Daled Minim to his son?

See מגן אברהם ס”ק ח, משנה ברורה ס”ק כח

and שער הציון אות לו

In practice should one purchase Daled Minim for his children? 

See הליכות שלמה הלכות סוכה פרק יא הלכה יא,, אגרות משה יורה דעה חלק א ס’ קלז, קובץ הלכות הלכות סוכה פרק לט סע’ י

What is the best method to lend the Daled Minim to a minor? 

See ערוך השולחן אורח חיים ס’ תרנ”ח סע’ יז

Can one gift the Daled Minim to a child as a מתנה על מנת להחזיר.

See ביאור הלכה “אינו מוחזר 

Could one gift the Daled Minim to a minor after he shook them on the first day? 

See ביאור הלכה “קודם שיצא 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Teves 14, Daf 46b (12/25/23)

Sugya: Gifting Daled Minim to a Katan 

Halachic Conclusion:

Review שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרנ”ח סע’ ו


What is the point of argument between the two opinions brought in the Shulchan Aruch? 

See ביאור הלכה “לא יתננו

According to the Rambam / first opinion in the Shulchan Aruch the regifting of the Daled Minim from the child to the adult is only valid מדרבנן.

Why doesn’t a קנין דרבנן work even מדאורייתא as the rabanan through the power of הפקר ב”ד הפקר has the ability to transfer possession of assets?

(See פרי מגדים אשל אברהם אות ח.

This is a major discussion in the gedolei achronim see אבני מלואים ס’ כ”ח ס”ק לג, מחנה אפרים הלכות משיכה ס’ ב, דבר  אברהם ס’ א אות יז ) 

Is this an issue even on the Yom Tov Sheini (in chutz laaretz) of Sukkos?

See משנה ברורה ס”ק כג

Does a father fulfill his Mitzvah of Chinuch if he lends the Daled Minim to his son?

See מגן אברהם ס”ק ח, משנה ברורה ס”ק כח

and שער הציון אות לו

In practice should one purchase Daled Minim for his children? 

See הליכות שלמה הלכות סוכה פרק יא הלכה יא,, אגרות משה יורה דעה חלק א ס’ קלז, קובץ הלכות הלכות סוכה פרק לט סע’ י

What is the best method to lend the Daled Minim to a minor? 

See ערוך השולחן אורח חיים ס’ תרנ”ח סע’ יז

Can one gift the Daled Minim to a child as a מתנה על מנת להחזיר.

See ביאור הלכה “אינו מוחזר 

Could one gift the Daled Minim to a minor after he shook them on the first day? 

See ביאור הלכה “קודם שיצא 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Wednesday night shiur, Teves 9, Daf 46b (12/20/23)

Sugya: Gifting Daled Minim to a Katan 

Very quickly review the גמרא דף מו: “א”ר זירא לא ליקני until ובפלוגתא”

Learn רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ח הלכה י


Why does the Rambam not differentiate between what the age of the minor is? 

See כסף משנה and לחם משנה who argue on the opinion of the Rambam 

Halachik Conclusion:

Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרנ”ח סע’ ו


What is the point of argument between the two opinions brought in the Shulchan Aruch? 

See ביאור הלכה “לא יתננו

According to the Rambam / first opinion in the Shulchan Aruch the regifting of the Daled Minim from the child to the adult is only valid מדרבנן.

Why doesn’t a קנין דרבנן work even מדאורייתא as the rabanan through the power of הפקר ב”ד הפקר has the ability to transfer possession of assets?

(See פרי מגדים אשל אברהם אות ח.

This is a major discussion in the gedolei achronim see אבני מלואים ס’ כ”ח ס”ק לג, מחנה אפרים הלכות משיכה ס’ ב, דבר  אברהם ס’ א אות יז ) 

Is this an issue even on the Yom Tov Sheini (in chutz laaretz) of Sukkos?

See משנה ברורה ס”ק כג

Does a father fulfill his Mitzvah of Chinuch if he lends the Daled Minim to his son?

See מגן אברהם ס”ק ח, משנה ברורה ס”ק כח

and שער הציון אות לו

In practice should one purchase Daled Minim for his children? 

See הליכות שלמה הלכות סוכה פרק יא הלכה יא,, אגרות משה יורה דעה חלק א ס’ קלז, קובץ הלכות הלכות סוכה פרק לט סע’ י

What is the best method to lend the Daled Minim to a minor? See ערוך השולחן אורח חיים ס’ תרנ”ח סע’ יז

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Teves 7, Daf 46b (12/18/23)

Sugya: Gifting Daled Minim to a Katan 

Learn the גמרא דף מו: “א”ר זירא לא ליקני until ובפלוגתא”

Learn ר’ן דף מו: א”ר זירא starting from “ואם תאמר who discusses whether it’s possible to gift the Daled Minim to a child as a מתנה על מנת להחזיר.

Learn ריטב”א דף מו: “מיהו ודאי ליתא who also discusses different ages of a child and the ability to gift him the Daled Minim.

Learn the first paragraph of the ריטב”א דף מו: “מאי טעמא who brings two opinions whether one can gift the Daled Minim to a child as a מתנה על מנת להחזיר.,_Sheva_Shitot,_Warsaw,_1883.&lang=bi

Learn רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ח הלכה י


Why does the Rambam not differentiate between what the age of the minor is? 

See כסף משנה and לחם משנה who argue on the opinion of the Rambam 

Halachik Conclusion:

Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרנ”ח סע’ ו


What is the point of argument between the two opinions brought in the Shulchan Aruch? 

See ביאור הלכה “לא יתננו

According to the Rambam / first opinion in the Shulchan Aruch the regifting of the Daled Minim from the child to the adult is only valid מדרבנן.

Why doesn’t a קנין דרבנן work even מדאורייתא as the rabanan through the power of הפקר ב”ד הפקר has the ability to transfer possession of assets?

(See פרי מגדים אשל אברהם אות ח.  This is a major discussion in the gedolei achronim see אבני מלואים ס’ כ”ח ס”ק לג, מחנה אפרים הלכות משיכה ס’ ב, דבר  אברהם ס’ א אות יז ) 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Chanukah Sugya, Wednesday night shiur, Chanukah Day 7, Teves 2 (12/13/23)

Topic: Bracha on the lighting of the additional candles that are added each night of Chanukah 


On the 7th night of Chanukah person mistakenly thought it was the 6th night and lit only six candles. Afterwards he realized it is the 7th night. When he lights an additional candle does he make a bracha?

See בית יוסף ס’ תרע”ב בשם אורחת חיים

See פרי חדש סוף ס’ תרע”ב “נשאלתי  

From the Pri Chodosh it seems clear one does not recite a bracha on hidur mitzvah

See מגן אברהם ס’ תרנ”א ס”ק כ”ה who quotes the Rambam that if one did not have in mind to light additional candles then one must make a bracha upon lighting the additional candle.

How could one recite bracha on hidur mitzvah? 

If he only realized after the six candles went out should he make a bracha on lighting the seventh candle? 

See שו”ת רע”א תניינא ס’ י”ג

Why does the שולחן ארוך או”ח ס’ תרע”א סע’ ב bring the halacha of amount of candles to light each night only in accordance with the Mehadrin min Hamehadrin and not list the base halacha that only one candle is required to be lit in each home for each night of Chanukah?  

Is the obligation of Mehadrin min Hamehadrin based on Hidur mitzvah or a different concept?

See רש”י שבת דף כא: “והמהדרין  (two dots) and תוס’ “והמהדרין

Clarify the difference between Rashi & Tosfos 

See רמב”ם ה’ חנוכה פרק ד הלכה א-ב

What is the reason for the Mehadrin min Hamehadrin according to the Rambam?

How could one be obligated to light according to the Mehadrin min Hamehadrin and one has to spend  over 400% more to purchase 36 candles than the base obligation of eight candles?

Why isn’t adding candles considered a violation of baal tosif? If one would add extra mezuzahs on his door post for the amount of people in the house that would definitely be a violation of baal tosif.

We find the concept of Hidur in regards to enhancing a mitzvah. Ie. Purchasing a nicer Sukkah , talis,  … Where do we find the concept of Hidur that requires one to add additional mitzvahs? 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Chanukah Sugya, Monday night shiur, Chanukah Day 5, Kislev 29 (12/11/23)

Learn גמרא שבת דף כא: “ת”ר מצות חנוכה (two dots) until “אמר רבה”

Learn תוס’ “והמהדרין

Learn רמב”ם ה’ חנוכה פרק ד הלכה א-ב

Clarify the difference between Tosfos and Rambam


What is the reason to light extra candles – Mehadrin and Mehadrin min Hamehadrin?

If someone forgot to add an extra candle for that night of chanukah and only realised later that evening 

Should he light an additional candle?

Should he make a bracha when lighting that candle?

Should he light it even if the other candles have already gone out?

See מגן אברהם ס’ תרנ”א ס”ק כ”ה

See פרי חדש ס’ תרע”ב 

See בית יוסף ס’  תרע”ב  בשם אורחת חיים

See שו”ת רע”א תניינא ס’ י”ג,_Sheva_Shitot,_Warsaw,_1883.&lang=bi

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Wednesday night shiur, Kislev 24, Daf 46b (12/06/23)

Very quickly review גמרא דף מו: “מיד תינוקות (two dots, six lines from top of the Amud) until “א”ר זירא” 

We discussed how the Ran answered the following questions 


1. Why are Daled Minim לא חזי בין השמשות?

Ran – one would not shake the Daled Minim during Bein Hashmashos between the seventh and eighth day of Sukkos as starting from day two they are a Mitzvah Drabanan and the rule is ספק דרבנן לקולא

2. Why according to ר’ יוחנן are Daled Minim  Muktzah the entire seventh day?

Ran – The mind frame of a person is to designate them for the entire seventh day as the mitzvah can be performed any time of the day. 

3. Does the Muktzah status of the Daled Minim of the seventh day extend into Bein Hashmashos? Why or why not? 

Ran – no as one would not take the Daled Minim during Bein Hashmashos as explained above. 

(See ריטב”א דף מו: א”ר יוחנן (first explanation) for a more elaborate explanation of the gemara according to the reasoning of the Ran.,_Sheva_Shitot,_Warsaw,_1883.&lang=bi

Learn תוספת דף י: “עד until “ומהאי טעמא” and skip to “וכל הני לא דמי until “ומאן דאסר who gives an entirely different approach to the Gemara different than the Ran.

How does Tosfos answer the three questions above?

On what points does the Ran argue with Tosfos? 

What is a נפקא מינה between Tosfos and the Ran? 

Continue learning the Gemara from “ולוי” until “א”ר זירא לא ליקני “


Why does לוי hold that the Daled Minim are Muktzah the entire eighth day as well? 

See רש”י דף מו: “אתרוג אפילו בשמיני

Learn תוספת דף י: “עד starting from “ומאן דאסר (twelve lines before the wide lines of Tosfos) until ומיהו (last word before the wide lines)

Learn ריטב”א דף מו: “לוי who gives three possible explanations,_Sheva_Shitot,_Warsaw,_1883.&lang=bi

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Kislev 22, Daf 46b (12/04/23)

Very quickly review גמרא דף מו: “מיד תינוקות (two dots, six lines from top of the Amud) until “א”ר זירא” 


1. Why are Daled Minim לא חזי בין השמשות?

2. Why according to ר’ יוחנן are Daled Minim  Muktzah the entire seventh day?

3. Does the Muktzah status of the Daled Minim of the seventh day extend into Bein Hashmashos? Why or why not? 

Learn ר”ן דף מו: “אמר ר’ יוחנן who addresses all of the above questions.

See ריטב”א דף מו: א”ר יוחנן (first explanation) for a more elaborate explanation of the gemara according to the reasoning of the Ran.,_Sheva_Shitot,_Warsaw,_1883.&lang=bi

On what point does רש”י דף מו: “אתרוג לא חזי differ with the Ran?

How does that impact the way Rashi will answer the other questions?

See גמרא דף י. “סיככה כהלכתה (three lines from bottom of the Amud) until top of דף י: דלמא מן הצד 

Learn תוספת דף י: “עד until “ומהאי טעמא” and skip to “וכל הני לא דמי until “ומאן דאסר who gives an entirely different approach to the Gemara different than the Ran.

How does Tosfos answer the three questions above?

On what points does the Ran argue with Tosfos? 

What is a נפקא מינה between Tosfos and the Ran? 


Why does לוי hold that the Daled Minim are Muktzah the entire eighth day as well? 

Learn תוספת דף י:עד starting from “ומאן דאסר (twelve lines before the wide lines of Tosfos) until ומיהו (last word before the wide lines)

Learn ריטב”א דף מו: “לוי who gives three possible explanations 

See ריטב”א דף מו: א”ר יוחנן for a lengthy explanation of the Gemara. 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Kislev 15, Daf 46b (11/27/23)

Learn גמרא דף מו: “מיד תינוקות (two dots, six lines from top of the Amud) until “א”ר זירא” 


Everyone agrees that a Sukkah is Muktzah even on the eighth day (Shemini Atzeres). 

The Gemara explains the reason is that the Sukkah is needed during the period of Bein Hashmashos between the seventh and eighth day. 

Why does that give the Sukkah the status of Muktzah for the entire eighth day?

The Gemara says that Daled Minim are not needed during the period of Bein Hashmashos between the seventh and eighth day. 

Why not? 

Would the same be true if someone did not yet fulfill his Mitzvah with the Daled Minim on the seventh day? 

See גמרא דף י. “סיככה כהלכתה (three lines from bottom of the Amud) until top of דף י: דלמא מן הצד 

Learn תוספת דף י: “עד until “ומהאי טעמא” who gives an answer to the above questions

Learn ר”ן דף מו: “אמר ר’ יוחנן who gives a different explanation.

On what points does the Ran argue with Tosfos? 

What is a נפקא מינה between Tosfos and the Ran? 

See ריטב”א דף מו: א”ר יוחנן for a lengthy explanation of the Gemara. 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Wednesday night shiur, Kislev 3, Daf 46a-46b (11/15/23)

Learn גמרא דף מו. “ת”ר היו לפניו (eight lines from bottom of the Amud) until דף מו: “מיד תינוקות (two dots)

See גמרא ברכות דף מ

which quotes the opinion of ר”י that one should make a separate bracha on each vegetable that he eats and learns it from the pasuk ברוך ה’ יום יום similar to how ר”י explains the obligation to make a bracha on each mitzvah independently. 


There seems to be a contradiction in ruling as our Gemara rules like ר”י yet the Gemara brachos rules the halacha is not like ר”י? 

Learn ערוך לנר “הלכתא כר”י for an answer.

Why is the opposite of normal nature true in regards to understanding Torah (a mind filled with Torah can absorb more Torah)?

Learn מהרש”א ברכות דף מ. “אם שמוע

Based on our Gemara, how was ר”ע able to start learning at the age of 40?

See Rashi “ואם יפנה לבבך” 

Why if one gives up hope on reviewing the Torah he learnt does that result in the person not being able to comprehend the Torah he learns?

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Daf 46a (11/13/23)

Conclusion Topic: Mitzvah Drabanan

Quickly Review גמרא דף מו. “והיכן צונו (second wide line) until רב נחמן בר יצחק 


What is the difference in which pasuk we learn that we are commanded to listen to the rabanan? 

Is every Mitzvah drabanan a mitzvah dooraisa? 

We learnt a machlokes between the רמב״ם (ספר המצות שורש ראשון) and רמב”ן (on side of the רמב״ם)

and רמב״ם הלכות ממרים פרק א הלכה ב

Rambam every Mitzvah drabanan is also commander to be adhered from the Torah with a Mitzvah aseh and lo saaseh 

The Ramban says absolutely not. It’s just an אסמכתא


According to the Ramban how does our Gemara answer the question how could we say וצונו when we perform a mitzvah drabanan?

Learn גמרא דף מו “ת”ר היו לפניו (eight lines from bottom of the Amud) until דף מו: “מיד תינוקות (two dots)

See גמרא ברכות דף מ

which quotes the opinion of ר”י that one should make a separate bracha on each vegetable that he eats and learns it from the pasuk ברוך ה’ יום יום similar to how ר”י explains the obligation to make a bracha on each mitzvah independently. 


There seems to be a contradiction in ruling as our Gemara rules like ר”י yet the Gemara brachos rules the halacha is not like ר”י? 

Learn ערוך לנר “הלכתא כר”י for an answer.

Why is the opposite of normal nature true in regards to understanding Torah (a mind filled with Torah can absorb more Torah)?

Learn מהרש”א ברכות דף מ. “אם שמוע

How was ר”ע and ריב”ז able to start learning at the age of 40?

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Wednesday night shiur, Cheshvan 25, Daf 46a (11/08/23)

Topic: Conclusion Bracha when touching one’s tefillin

On גמרא דף מו. “אמר מר זוטא (middle of the Amud) until אמר רב יהודה


What bracha is said for touching ממשמש the tefillin he is wearing?

Learn “תוספת “דכל 

And ר”ן “ואסיקנא שכל שעה until “ולא ידעתי

Should a bracha be said each time one touches his tefillin? 

Do we rule like this halacha?

Learn  ר”ן  “ולא ידעתי 

And ריטב”א “ואמר מר זוטרא,_Sheva_Shitot,_Warsaw,_1883.&lang=bi

See שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ כה סעיף יב (first half) And משנה ברורה ס”ק מד-מו

Topic: Mitzvah Drabanan

Review גמרא דף מו. “והיכן צונו (second wide line) until רב נחמן בר יצחק 


What is the difference which pasuk we learn that we are commanded to listen to the rabanan? 

Is every Mitzvah drabanan a mitzvah dooraisa? 

Learn רמב״ם ספר המצות שורש ראשון And רמב”ן on side of the רמב״ם who disagrees

and רמב״ם הלכות ממרים פרק א הלכה ב


According to the Ramban how does our Gemara answer the question how could we say וצונו when we perform a mitzvah drabanan?

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Cheshvan 23, Daf 46a (11/06/23)

Topic: Conclusion – Shehechiyanu

On גמרא דף מו. “ת”ר העושה סוכה לעצמו (fifth wide line) until ת”ר 

We learnt that the argument between the רן and רא”ש regarding whether one must say Shehecheyanu for the Daled Minim again on the second day of Sukkos revolves around whether the ability to recite Shechiyanu is limited exclusively to time of construction and performance or even anytime in between. 

The שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרס”ב סע’ ב rules Shehechiyanu is not repeated on the Daled Minim on the second day of Sukkos

However the שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרס”א rules that Shehechiyanu is repeated during kiddush on the second night of Yom tov. 

Is there a difference between the Shehecheyanu said the first night and second night of Sukkos? 

Learn ראש פרק ד ס’ ד and קרבן נתנאל אות צ

Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרס”א and the משנה ברורה


Is Shechiyanu said on the second day of Rosh Hashanah (in the diaspora)

For the mitzvah of shofar?

When making kiddush on the second night?

Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תר סעיף ב & ג and משנה ברורה

Major Question:

According to the Rema, why is Shechiyanu said on shofar again on the second day and not for Daled Minim?

See משנה ברורה ס’ תרס”ב ס”ק ב

Topic: Bracha when touching one’s tefillin

Review גמרא דף מו. “אמר מר זוטא (middle of the Amud) until אמר רב יהודה


What bracha is said for touching ממשמש the tefillin he is wearing?

Learn “תוספת “דכל 

And ר”ן “ואסיקנא שכל שעה until “ולא ידעתי

Should a bracha be said each time one touches his tefillin? 

Do we rule like this halacha?

Learn  ר”ן  “ולא ידעתי 

And ריטב”א “ואמר מר זוטרא,_Sheva_Shitot,_Warsaw,_1883.&lang=bi

See שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ כה סעיף יב (first half) And משנה ברורה ס”ק מד-מו

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Cheshvan 16, Daf 46a (10/30/23)

Topic: Bracha of Shehecheyanu 

On גמרא דף מו. “ת”ר העושה סוכה לעצמו (fifth wide line) until ת”ר 


Why is the bracha of Shechiyanu not said when counting Sefiras Haomer as it is a time bound Mitzvah?  

Learn ר”ן סוף מסכת פסחים

Why is the bracha of Shechiyanu not said for the mitzvah of Bedikas Chometz?  

See רא”ש פסחים פרק א ס”ק י

See תשובות הרשב”א חלק א ס’ רכ”ג & שעט 

See טור אורח חיים ס’ תלב

In conclusion list whether Shechiyanu is said and the reason why or why not for 

  • Pidyon Haben 
  • Bris Milah 
  • Construction of Sukkah
  • Tying new tzitzits 
  • Megillah 
  • Hallel 
  • Sefiras Haomer
  • Bedikas Chometz

Topic: Shechiyanu on Sukkos

On גמרא דף מו. “ת”ר העושה סוכה לעצמו (fifth wide line) until ת”ר 


If one said Shechiyanu when he constructed the Sukkah. Does he say Shechiyanu a second time when he sits in the sukkah on Sukkos?

Learn “תוספת מו. “נכנס

Learn “ריטב”א “אמר רב אשי

Learn רמב״ם הלכות סוכה פרק ו הלכה יב and the רבינו מנוח who argues on Tosfos.

Learn “ביאור הלכה ס’ תרמ”א “אלא שאנו

There are three possible areas which require the bracha of shehecheyanu on Sukkos 

1. Sukkah

2. Lulav

3. The Yom tov of Sukkos 


Is Shechiyanu said on the second day of Sukkos (in the diaspora)

When taking the Daled Minim? 

When making kiddush in the Sukkah on the second night?

Learn the רן

Learn רא”ש סוכה פרק ד ס’ ב

Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרס”ב and משנה ברורה

And  ס’ תרמ”א and ס’ תרמ”ג סע’ א  with ביאור הלכה “ואח”כ זמן

Is Shechiyanu said on the second day of Rosh Hashanah (in the diaspora)

For the mitzvah of shofar?

When making kiddush on the second night?

Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תר סעיף ב & ג and משנה ברורה

According to the Rema, why is Shechiyanu said on shofar again on the second day and not for Daled Minim?

See משנה ברורה ס’ תרס”ב ס”ק ב

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Wednesday night shiur, Cheshvan 11, Daf 46a (10/25/23)

Topic: Bracha of Shechiyanu

On גמרא דף מו. “ת”ר העושה סוכה לעצמו (fifth wide line) until ת”ר 

Quickly review תוספת “העושה (number 2)

And ר”ן


What points does the ר”ן differ with Tosfos?

Why is bris milah not considered a mitzvah that comes in a certain time period? 

See רש”ש טויבש in back of the Gemara for an answer

Learn רמב״ם הלכות מילה פרק ג הלכה ג who argues on Tosfos and the Ran and says a bracha of Shechiyanu is made for the Mitzvah of bris milah

Learn הגהות מיימוניות אות ד who says our minhag is not to recite Shechiyanu and brings three reasons to explain the minhag.

Learn רמב״ם הלכות ברכות פרק יא הלכה ט-י

What is the criteria according to the Rambam to recite the bracha of Shechiyanu? 

What’s the Halachik conclusion?

Learn שולחן ערוך יורה דעה סימן רסה סע’ ז

What is the reasoning of the opinion that Shechiyanu is said only if the father of the baby is the mohel?

Why is the bracha of Shechiyanu not said when counting Sefiras Haomer as it is a time bound Mitzvah?  

Learn ר”ן סוף מסכת פסחים

Why is the bracha of Shechiyanu not said for the mitzvah of Bedikas Chofetz?  

See רא”ש פסחים פרק א ס”ק י 

and תשובות הרשב”א חלק א ס’ רכ”ג & שעט 

and see טור אורח חיים ס’ תלב

In conclusion list whether Shechiyanu is said and the reason why and why not for 

Pidyon Haben 


Construction of Sukkah

Tying new tzitzitz 



Sefiras Haomer

Bedikas Chometz

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Cheshvan 9, Daf 46a (10/23/23)

Quickly learn גמרא דף מו. “ואף רב סבר (seven lines before the wide lines) until  “ת”ר העושה סוכה לעצמו” (fifth wide line)

Sugya: Bracha of Shehecheyanu 

Learn גמרא דף מו. “ת”ר העושה סוכה לעצמו (fifth wide line) until ת”ר 


Does installing a wall of the Sukkah constitute a chidush to be able make be a Bracha of Shehecheyanu? 

See ריטב”א

And משנה ברורה ס’ תרמ”א ס”ק ג

Learn תוספת “העושה


Why can one not make the Bracha of Shehecheyanu when building someone else’s Sukkah? 

Learn ביאור הלכה ס’ תרמ”א “לעצמו

Learn next תוספת “העושה

Learn ר”ן

Learn תוספת “נכנס


What points does the ר”ן differ with Tosfos?

Why is bris milah not considered a mitzvah that comes in a certain time period? 

See רש”ש טויבש in back of the Gemara for an answer

Learn רמב״ם הלכות מילה פרק ג הלכה ג who argues on Tosfos and the Ran and says a bracha of Shehecheyanu is made for the Mitzvah of bris milah

Learn הגהות מיימוניות אות ד who says our minhag is not to recite Shehecheyanu and brings three reasons to explain the minhag.

Learn רמב״ם הלכות ברכות פרק יא הלכה ט-י

What is the criteria according to the Rambam to recite the bracha of Shechiyanu? 

Clarify whether Shechiyanu is said and why or why not for 

Pidyon Haben 




Sefiras Haomer (see ר”ן סוף מסכת פסחים )

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Wednesday night shiur, Cheshvan 4, Daf 46a (10/18/23)

Topic: ברכה למצות סוכה 

Based on the גמרא דף מו 

Questions: Should a person be sitting or standing when he recites the bracha of Leshev baSukkah?
Should the bracha Leishev Bsukkah be said before hamotzi or after hamotzi before taking a bite from the food? 
Learn רמב״ם הלכות סוכה פרק ו הלכה יב and ראב”ד (with the מגיד משנה) רא”ש ס’ ג from the beginning
How do we conclude lhalacha? Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרמ”ג סע’ ב & ג and the משנה ברורה

Can one make the bracha on the Sukkah if he will be eating standing up? 

See שער הציון ס’ תרמ”ג אות ד

Should the bracha Leishev Bsukkah be said before hamotzi or right after reciting hamotzi yet before taking a bite from the food? 

Learn רא”ש ס’ ג starting from ורבינו מאיר” until “ומה שאין מברכין על השינה”

Learn the טור תרמ”ג סע’ ג

See how the Tur explains the two opinions


Does the opinion of the מהר”ם מרטנברג conform with the minhag to only make bracha on Sukkah when eating?

See ערוך השולחן ס’ תרמ”ג סע’ ב

How do we conclude lhalacha?

Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרמ”ג סע’ ג and the משנה ברורה