Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Shevat 6, Daf 47a-47b (01/15/23)

Major Question:

Why do some people not sit in the Sukkah the night of Shemini Atzeres?

Why do some people just make kiddush inside the Sukkah but eat their meal in their house?

See טור אורח חיים ס’ תרס”ח

See ערוך השולחן ס’ תרס”ח סע’ ג’- ו


Learn שפת אמת דף מו: “מיתב כולי עלמא 

For an entirely new reading and understanding of the Gemara and how the Gemara concluded there is no obligation to sit inside the Sukkah on Shemini Atzeres in chutz laaretz

Please write a summary of this Sugya and list the different explanations in the ruling יתובי יתבינן ברוכי לא מברכינן

Learn the גמרא דף  מז. “ואמר ר’ יוחנן (middle of the Amud) until דף מז: “הכי נמי מסתברא (top of the Amud)

Topic: Bracha of Shechiyanu on Shemini Atzeres


Why didn’t the gemara also list that the Aravah is not taken on Shemini Atzeres?

See שפת אמת “שהרי חלוק for an explanation


The Gemara asks why don’t we recite the bracha of Shechiyanu on the Yom tov of Seventh day of Pesach as it is different from the first day of Pesach in regards to the requirement to eat matzah. 

Based on the above difference Shechiyanu should be said on the first day of chol hamoed? 

See שפת אמת “אי הכי for an explanation



Is there a difference between the multiple explanations of the Amoraim as to why Shechiyanu is recited on Shemini Atzeres but not on the seventh day of Pesach?

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