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Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Wednesday night shiur, Iyar 8 Daf 49b (05/15/24)

Review the גמרא דף מט: “א”ר אלעזר גדול העושה צדקה until א”ר חמא בר פפא (seven lines from bottom of the Amud) 


Why doesn’t Rebbe Elazer say that creating justice is greater than all the korbanos the same as giving tzedaka as both are mentioned in the pasuk?

See מהרש”א 

See ערוך לנר for a different explanation

Why is receiving reward for doing acts of kindness guaranteed but uncertain for giving tzedakah?

Is the second interpretation of Rebbe Elazer of the pasuk discussing tzedakah and chesed a new interpretation or an additional interpretation?

See מהרש”א 

See ערוך לנר for a different explanation 

Learn מהר”ל נתיבות עולם, נתיב גמילת חסדים סוף פרק ב for an incredible explanation about the difference between tzedakah and chesed and a new explanation for the question above.

Learn the גמרא דף מט: “א”ר אלעזר כל העושה צדקה ומשפט until the two dots 


Where in the words תורת חסד does it imply specifically learning תורה לשמה?

Why is learning תורה לשמה considered תורת חסד?

Learn משנה פרקי אבות פרק ו משנה א

And “מהרש”א “על לשונה

Learn the גמרא מט: “כמעשהו בחול (two dots on bottom of the Amud) until the two dots on דף נ 

Clarify the three different explanations of the Gemara as to why specifically a barrel that was not מקודשת was used

Learn תוספת דף נ. “ואי from beginning until “וא”ת ” discusses the requirements for drawing the water for ניסוך המים.

Tosfos proves that a כלי שרת is only מקדש inside the Beis Hamikdash 

Why didn’t they fill up a מקודשת barrel and leave it outside the beis hamikdash until shabbos morning so there would be no disqualification of לינה?

Continue learning Tosfos from “אם כן אכתי תיקשי לן (second to last line of Tosfos) for two answers.

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום רביעי Iyar 7, Daf 24b-25a (05/15/24)

Review the גמרא דף כד: “הילכך (four lines from bottom of the Amud) until דף כה. “קרפף (second line of the Amud)


The Gemara states that it is permissible to carry inside the רחבה and the מבוי. Is it permissible to carry inside the שביל?

See רש”י דף כה. “דלית who says it is prohibited 

See תוס’ דף כד: “טלטולי who says it is permitted 

The רשב”א דף כד: אלא אמר רבא explains the reason Tosfos is not concerned with the gezeira of שמא יאמרו is since the Lechi is placed at the opening of the מבוי and not of the שביל.  

Why is Rashi still concerned with the gezeira of שמא יאמרו?

Learn גאון יעקב דף כד: “אלא אמר רבא

According to Tosfos that it is permitted to carry inside the שביל, is it permitted to carry from the שביל to the מבוי?

Learn ריטב”א דף כד: “טלטולי במתא

How do we conclude in regards to the concern of “שמא יאמרו? 

See שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ שס”ה סע’ ג , משנה ברורה ס”ק כד, ביאור הלכה “כאלו

Learn גמרא דף כה. “קרפף (second line of the Amud) until “טח בו טיט” (sixteen lines from top of the Amud)

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום שלישי Iyar 6, Daf 24b-25a (05/14/24)

Learn the גמרא דף כד: “הילכך (four lines from bottom of the Amud) until דף כה. “קרפף (second line of the Amud)


What is the reason to prohibit carrying from the מבוי to the רחבה?

Learn תוס’ דף כה. “ומאן

Learn ריטב”א דף כד: “טלטולי במתא

The Gemara states that it is permissible to carry inside the רחבה and the מבוי. Is it permissible to carry inside the שביל?

See רש”י דף כה. “דלית

Learn תוס’ דף כד: “טלטולי

Why is Tosfos not concerned with the reason Rashi gives to prohibit carrying inside the שביל?

Learn רשב”א דף כד: אלא אמר רבא

How do we conclude in regards to the concern of “שמא יאמרו? 

See שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ שס”ה סע’ ג , משנה ברורה ס”ק כד, ביאור הלכה “כאלו

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Nissan 29, Daf 49b (05/13/24)

Learn גמרא דף מט: “אמר ריש לקיש (fourth wide line) until דרש רבא”

See מהרש”א  for a different explanation than Rashi on how to quench one’s thirst.

Learn רמב״ם הלכות תמידין ומוספין פרק י הלכה ו & ז


Why doesn’t the Rambam bring the halacha of ריש לקיש that they plugged the hole so the wine would fill to the top?

Learn גמרא דף מט: “דרש רבא (ninth wide line) until “א”ר אלעזר גדול העושה צדקה” 


Why is Klal Yisrael when they are being עולה רגל specifically compared to Avrohom Avinu?

What is the proof that Avrohom was called a נדיב? 

See מהרש”א

Why does Torah have to be taught in private? 

Learn רש”י פרשת כי תשא פרק לד פסוק ג

Learn מדרש תנחומא פרשת כי תשא סוף ס’ לא the first set of luchos were smashed as a result of Ayin Hara from the big public forum of the presentation of the luchos!

Major Questions:

The Maamad Har Sinai was an integral component of the giving of the Torah. According to the Ramban there is a mitzvah to remember daily Maamad Har Sinai.  How do we understand this Midrash?

Learn מכתב מאליהו חלק ב “”מה בין לוחות ראשונים ושניים pages 92-93  

And  ספר דעת התורה פרשת כי תשא פרק לד פסוק ג 

What is so catastrophic about teaching Torah publicly that it lead to the luchos being smashed ? 

See  ספר דעת תורה פרשת כי תשא פרק לד פסוק ג 

See עלי שור חלק ב מאמר פורים  page 469-470

Continue learning the גמרא דף מט: “א”ר אלעזר גדול העושה צדקה until א”ר חמא בר פפא (seven lines from bottom of the Amud) 


Why doesn’t Rebbe elazer say that creating justice is greater than all the korbanos the same as giving tzedaka as both are mentioned in the pasuk?

See מהרש”א 

See ערוך לנר for a different explanation

Why is receiving reward for doing acts of kindness guaranteed but uncertain for giving tzedakah?

Is the second interpretation of Rebbe Elazer of the pasuk discussing tzedakah and chesed a new interpretation or an additional interpretation?

See מהרש”א 

See ערוך לנר for a different explanation 

Learn מהר”ל נתיבות עולם, נתיב גמילת חסדים סוף פרק ב for an incredible explanation about the difference between tzedakah and chesed and a new explanation for the question above.

Continue learning Tosfos from “אם כן אכתי תיקשי לן (second to last line of Tosfos) for two answers.

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום שני Iyar 5, Daf 24b-25a (05/13/24)

Conclusion of the Sugya – “גמרא דף כד: “ההיא רחבה (seven lines from top of the Amud) until “הילכך” (four lines from bottom of the Amud) 

Make a chart with the four different solutions to permit one to carry in the רחבה, שביל & מבוי

Specify how Rashi explains them and how Tosfos explains them 

Write the reasons why the Gemara requests the first three solutions. 

List the four questions תוס’ “ליעבד צורת הפתח  asks on Rashi.

Draw a diagram of the case of the Gemara illustrating the areas Rashi and Tosfos disagree.

How does Tosfos explanation of the Gemara avoid all the questions he asked on Rashi?

How can we answer the questions to defend the position of Rashi?

Continue learning the גמרא דף כד: “הילכך (four lines from bottom of the Amud)  until דף כה. “קרפף (second line of the Amud)

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום חמישי Rosh Chodesh Iyar II, Daf 24b (05/09/24)

Conclusion of the Sugya – “גמרא דף כד: “ההיא רחבה (seven lines from top of the Amud) until “הילכך” (four lines from bottom of the Amud) 

Learn תוס’ “ליעבד צורת הפתח

Focus on the new explanation Tosfos gives on the Gemara and continue learning the rest of the Tosfos on the sugyam

Tosfos presents a new explanation in the case of placing a mechitza אגודא דנהרא – at the banks of the river and placing a צורת הפתח by the פומא – entrance of the שביל של כרמים.

Make a chart with the four different solutions and how Rashi explains them and how Tosfos explains them 

List the reason why Tosfos differs from Rashi.

Learn the Ritva on the Sugya to answer many of the questions on Rashi 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום רביעי Rosh Chodesh Iyar, Daf 24b (05/08/24)

Very quickly review “גמרא דף כד: “ההיא רחבה (seven lines from top of the Amud) until “הילכך” (four lines from bottom of the Amud) 

The Gemara presents multiple solutions 

Placing a mechitza אגודא דנהרא – at the banks of the river

Placing a צורת הפתח by the פומא –  entrance of the שביל של כרמים

Placing a Lechi at the פתח – entrance of the שביל של כרמים

Placing a Lechi at the פתח – entrance of the מבוי דמתא 

How does each of these solutions permit one to carry inside each of the three areas? 

Why is it not a good solution?

Learn all the Tosfos on the Gemara. 

Clarify the questions Tosfos has on Rashi explanation of the various solutions. 

Learn the Ritva on the Sugya to answer many of the questions on Rashi 

Tosfos presents a new explanation in the case of placing a mechitza אגודא דנהרא – at the banks of the river and placing a צורת הפתח by the פומא – entrance of the שביל של כרמים.

How does this differ from Rashi?

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום שלישי Nissan 29, Daf 24b (05/07/24)

Review “גמרא דף כד: “ההיא רחבה (seven lines from top of the Amud) until “הילכך” (four lines from bottom of the Amud) 


Why is it prohibited to carry inside the רחבה? מבוי דמתא? שביל של כרמים? 

The Gemara attempts to present multiple solutions 

Placing a mechitza אגודא דנהרא – at the banks of the river

Placing a צורת הפתח by the פומא –  entrance of the שביל של כרמים

Placing a Lechi at the פתח – entrance of the שביל של כרמים

Placing a Lechi at the פתח – entrance of the מבוי דמתא 

How does each of these solutions permit one to carry inside each of the three areas? 

Why is it not a good solution?

Learn all the Tosfos on the Gemara. 

Clarify the questions Tosfos has on Rashi explanation of the various solutions. 

Tosfos presents a new explanation in the case of placing a mechitza אגודא דנהרא – at the banks of the river and placing a צורת הפתח by the פומא – entrance of the שביל של כרמים.

How do they differ from Rashi?

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Nissan 29, Daf 49b (05/06/24)

Learn גמרא דף מט: “אמר ריש לקיש (fourth wide line) until דרש רבא”

See מהרש”א  for a different explanation than Rashi on how to quench one’s thirst.

Learn רמב״ם הלכות תמידין ומוספין פרק י הלכה ו & ז


Why doesn’t the Rambam bring the halacha of ריש לקיש that they plugged the hole so the wine would fill to the top?

Learn גמרא דף מט: “דרש רבא (ninth wide line) until “א”ר אלעזר גדול העושה צדקה” 


Why is Klal Yisrael when they are being עולה רגל specifically compared to Avrohom Avinu?

What is the proof that Avrohom was called a נדיב? 

See מהרש”א

Why does Torah have to be taught in private? 

Learn רש”י פרשת כי תשא פרק לד פסוק ג

Learn מדרש תנחומא פרשת כי תשא סוף ס’ לא the first set of luchos were smashed as a result of Ayin Hara from the big public forum of the presentation of the luchos!

Major Questions:

The Maamad Har Sinai was an integral component of the giving of the Torah. According to the Ramban there is a mitzvah to remember daily Maamad Har Sinai.  How do we understand this Midrash?

Learn מכתב מאליהו חלק ב “”מה בין לוחות ראשונים ושניים pages 92-93  

And  ספר דעת התורה פרשת כי תשא פרק לד פסוק ג 

What is so catastrophic about teaching Torah publicly that it lead to the luchos being smashed ? 

See  ספר דעת תורה פרשת כי תשא פרק לד פסוק ג 

See עלי שור חלק ב מאמר פורים  page 469-470

Continue learning the גמרא דף מט: “א”ר אלעזר גדול העושה צדקה until א”ר חמא בר פפא (seven lines from bottom of the Amud) 


Why doesn’t Rebbe elazer say that creating justice is greater than all the korbanos the same as giving tzedaka as both are mentioned in the pasuk?

See מהרש”א 

See ערוך לנר for a different explanation

Why is receiving reward for doing acts of kindness guaranteed but uncertain for giving tzedakah?

Is the second interpretation of Rebbe Elazer of the pasuk discussing tzedakah and chesed a new interpretation or an additional interpretation?

See מהרש”א 

See ערוך לנר for a different explanation 

Learn מהר”ל נתיבות עולם, נתיב גמילת חסדים סוף פרק ב for an incredible explanation about the difference between tzedakah and chesed and a new explanation for the question above.