Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Wednesday night shiur, Kislev 3, Daf 46a-46b (11/15/23)

Learn גמרא דף מו. “ת”ר היו לפניו (eight lines from bottom of the Amud) until דף מו: “מיד תינוקות (two dots)

See גמרא ברכות דף מ  https://hebrewbooks.org/shas.aspx?mesechta=1&daf=40&format=pdf

which quotes the opinion of ר”י that one should make a separate bracha on each vegetable that he eats and learns it from the pasuk ברוך ה’ יום יום similar to how ר”י explains the obligation to make a bracha on each mitzvah independently. 


There seems to be a contradiction in ruling as our Gemara rules like ר”י yet the Gemara brachos rules the halacha is not like ר”י? 

Learn ערוך לנר “הלכתא כר”י for an answer.


Why is the opposite of normal nature true in regards to understanding Torah (a mind filled with Torah can absorb more Torah)?

Learn מהרש”א ברכות דף מ. “אם שמוע


Based on our Gemara, how was ר”ע able to start learning at the age of 40?

See Rashi “ואם יפנה לבבך” 

Why if one gives up hope on reviewing the Torah he learnt does that result in the person not being able to comprehend the Torah he learns?