Category: Rabbi Gershon Dubin’s shiurim

Rabbi Gershon Dubin: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום חמישי Shevat 18, Daf 7a-7b (02/09/23)

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Review the גמרא דף ז. “יתיב רב יוסף (two dots) until אמר ליה אביי (second to last line of the amud) 

Learn תוס’ “בקעה 

Clarify the case of מבוי שכלה לרחבה

Learn תוס’ “אם 

Learn the גמרא דף ז. “ומסיים (four lines from bottom of the Amud) until דף ז: “השתא (five lines from bottom of the Amud) 


There are three reasons why the מבוי should be אסור to carry

1. Since the back wall of the chatzer which separated it  from the Reshus Haribim fell down the מבוי one could is considered מפולש לרה”ר

2. The traffic of the people inside the chatzer who now will frequent this מבוי

3. The Mavui is open entirely to the chatzer

Clarify why it is permitted to carry in the chatzer without the need to place a tikun

Clarify the case of מבוי שנפרץ במלואו לחצר ונפרצה חצר כנגדו

What are the two points how the ruling of רב contradicts the ruling of the case of מבוי שכלה לרחבה?

How does Rav Sheshes resolve the contradiction?

Continue learning the גמרא דף ז: “השתא (five lines from bottom of the Amud) until the bottom of the Amud