Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Teves 21, Daf 46b (01/01/24)

Learn גמרא דף מו: “וא”ר זירא until ובפלוגתא”


Why doesn’t ר’ זירא say it is forbidden to lie as the Torah instructs מדבר שקר תרחק?

Learn גמרא דף מו: “ובפלוגתא until דף מז. “ואמר ר’ יוחנן (middle of the Amud) 


Are Daled Minim Muktzah on the eighth day of Sukkos? In Eretz Yisrael? In chutz laaretz? 

What about the ninth day of Sukkos in chutz laaretz?

Does one shake the Daled Minim on the eighth day? 

Why should the Daled Minim be muktzah on the eighth day of they are not used? 

Learn תוספת “שמיני

And  תוספת מז top of the Amud  

Is the wood and decorations of the Sukkah Muktzah on the eighth day of Sukkos? In Eretz Yisrael? In chutz laaretz? What about the ninth day of Sukkos in chutz laaretz?

Clarify the difference between the two לשונות of the Gemara as to what is the machlokes between רב and ר’ יוחנן 

Question on Sugya of Muktzah of Daled Minim:

The Gemara דף לו עמוד ב records that ר’ יוחנן would take a couple of bites from his Esrog during Sukkos.

How was this permitted as the Esrog is Muktzah for Sukkos according to all opinions until he is finished using it in the seventh day?