Learn the גמרא דף נו: “והני תרתי until אע”פ (seven lines before end of mesachta)
Why does the Gemara question fining the father for the actions of his daughter. The pasuk says a naarah murasah that has zenus is stoned by the door of her father’s house?
What’s the halacha implication to a kohen whose daughter commits adultery or adopts a different religion?
See מהרש”א and רש”ש
See שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ קכח סע’ מא and מגן אברהם ס”ק סב
Why did Bilga kick the Mizbeach?
Why did Bilga refer to the Mizbeach as a wolf?
Why does the Gemara end with the benefit of living next to a tzadik when the family the Gemara discusses were not tzadikim?
Review גמרא דף נו. “בעצרת אומר לו הילך (two dots – seven lines from top of the Amud) until the two dots before the Mishna
When the gemara concludes the order is leishev and then shehechiyanu why does the gemara not simply say the halacha is like Rav?
See תוס’ מו. “נכנס
Learn קרבן נתנאל אות צ
Learn תוס’ נו. “עד
Learn תוס’ נו. “והלכתא
Learn רא”ש פרק ד סימן ד who brings rishinom who rule that on the second night of Sukkos (in chutz laaretz) we switch the order and first day shehechiyanu and then make bracha leshev basukkah
Learn גמרא דף נו. “בעצרת אומר לו הילך (two dots – seven lines from top of the Amud) until the two dots before the Mishna
Learn רא”ש פרק ד סימן ד who brings rishinom who rule that on the second night of Sukkos (in chutz laaretz) we switch the order and first day shechiyanu and then make bracha leishev basukkah
Clarify the argument why the order should or should not be switched
If someone recited shechiyanu when he constructed his sukkah what should the order of the brachos be when he sits in his sukkah on the first night of sukkos?
When the gemara concludes the order is leishev and then shechiyanu why does the gemara not simply say the halacha is like Rav?
See תוס’ מו. “נכנס
Learn קרבן נתנאל אות צ
How do we conclude lhalacha?
Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרמ”ג and ס’ תרס”א with the משנה ברורה
Learn גמרא דף נה. “מאי תלמודא (seven lines from top of the Amud) until the end of the Amud
See how Rashi explains the setup for the krias hatorah on Chol Hamoed Sukkos.
Learn תוספת דף נה. “איתקן who points out an inconsistency according to Rashi. And asks a question on Rashi from the order of Krias Hatorah on Chanukah.
Tosfos presents another way to structure the Krias Hatorah on Chol Hamoed.
Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרס”ג סע’ א to see how the Shulchan Aruch concludes.
Is the principle of תדיר קדים just in regards to what comes first in an order of procedure or even in regards to selecting one out of two which would be performed?
which discusses what Haftarah is read on Shabbos Chanukah when it coincides with Rosh Chodesh. Tosfos quotes the Rashba that the Haftarah of Chanukah is read as פרסומי ניסא is greater then reason of תדיר as is the conclusion of Rava in the gemara Shabbos. However for the krias hatorah the reading of the parsha of Rosh Chodesh comes first before krias hatorah of Chanukah as both kraih’s will be read and it’s just a question of which one is read first then we say תדיר קודם.
מיתיבי ראש חודש שחל להיות בשבת שיר של ראש חודש דוחה שבת, ואם איתה לימ’ דראש חודש ולימ’ דשבת, אמ’ רב פפא מאי דוחה לקדם, ואמאי תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר (ל)קדם, אמ’ ר’ יוחנ’ לידע שהוקבע ראש חודש בזמנו. מיכן מוכיח שאם אמ’ שיר אח’ ראש חודש דוחה שבת, ואף על גב דשבת תדירה, זה שבא לפרקי’ דוחה אותו. ומיכן יש להוכיח להביא ראייה דראש [חדש] טבת שחל להיות בשבת ההפטרה דחנוכה אמרי’ שהיא באה לפרקים ולא דראש חודש שהיא תדירה.
Learn the גמרא דף נד: ” מיתיבי (second wide line of the Amud) until “דף נה. מיתיבי (third line)
Is the principle of תדיר קדים just in regards to what comes first in an order of procedure or even in regards to selecting one out of two which would be performed?
which discusses what Haftarah is read on Shabbos Chanukah when it coincides with Rosh Chodesh. Tosfos quotes the Rashba that the Haftarah of Chanukah is read as פרסומי ניסא is greater then reason of תדיר as is the conclusion of Rava in the gemara Shabbos. However for the krias hatorah the reading of the parsha of Rosh Chodesh comes first before krias hatorah of Chanukah as both kraih’s will be read and it’s just a question of which one is read first then we say תדיר קודם.
“פסקי רי”ד מסכת סוכה דף נד עמוד במיתיבי ראש חודש שחל להיות בשבת שיר של ראש חודש דוחה שבת, ואם איתה לימ’ דראש חודש ולימ’ דשבת, אמ’ רב פפא מאי דוחה לקדם, ואמאי תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר (ל)קדם, אמ’ ר’ יוחנ’ לידע שהוקבע ראש חודש בזמנו. מיכן מוכיח שאם אמ’ שיר אח’ ראש חודש דוחה שבת, ואף על גב דשבת תדירה, זה שבא לפרקי’ דוחה אותו. ומיכן יש להוכיח להביא ראייה דראש [חדש] טבת שחל להיות בשבת ההפטרה דחנוכה אמרי’ שהיא באה לפרקים ולא דראש חודש שהיא תדירה.
Continue learning the גמרא דף נה until the end of the Amud
The Rambam says there were no tekios on Shabbos. This seems unnecessary to state as there was no filling of the water on Shabbos so no reason for tekios?
Review גמרא דף נד. “ע”ש שבתוך החג (two dots – three lines from top of the Amud) until “כי אתר ר’ אחר בר חנינא ” (middle of the Amud)
Learn רש”י “ה”ג לגבי המזבח very well
What was unique about the tenth step?
See “ערוך לנר דף נא: “הגיעו למעלה עשירית
Clarify the two explanation Rashi presents to what שלש על גבי מזבח means
How does the Rambam explain על גבי מזבח?
Learn רמב״ם הלכות כלי המקדש פרק ז הלכה ה-ו
Learn רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ז הלכה כא
There seems to be a contradiction in the Rambam whether they sounded the shofar when they propped the aravah next to the mizbeich or when they did Nisuch Hamayim?
If they sounded the חצוצרות when they propped the aravah next to the mizbeich and when they did Nisuch Hamayim then seemingly there should be a total of 51 blasts and not 48?
Learn “ערוך לנר דף נד. “רש”י ה”ג לגבי המזבח
Note: The Rambam says they sounded חצוצרות for the opening of the upper and lower gates on every רגל and not just on Sukkos. Rashi disagrees as Rashi says it was exclusive to Sukkos.
What is the source for the Rambam opinion?
What is the source for the Simchas Beis Hashoava on Sukkos?
See “רש”י דף נ. “בית השואבה
Learn רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ח הלכה יב
Learn עמק ברכה שמחת בית השואבה ס’ א who ties the entire Sugya together.
Quickly review גמרא דף נג עמוד ב until the two dots on top of .דף נד
Learn the גמרא דף נד. “ע”ש שבתוך החג (two dots – three lines from top of the Amud) until “כי אתר ר’ אחר בר חנינא ” (middle of the Amud)
Learn רש”י “ה”ג לגבי המזבח very well
What was unique about the tenth step?
See “ערוך לנר דף נא: “הגיעו למעלה עשירית
Clarify the two explanation Rashi presents to what שלש על גבי מזבח means
How does the Rambam explain על גבי מזבח?
Learn רמב״ם הלכות כלי המקדש פרק ז הלכה ה-ו
Learn רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ז הלכה כא
There seems to be a contradiction in the Rambam whether they sounded the shofar when they propped the aravah next to the mizbeich or when they did Nisuch Hamayim?
If they sounded the חצוצרות when they propped the aravah next to the mizbeich and when they did Nisuch Hamayim then seemingly there should be a total of 51 blasts and not 48?
Learn “ערוך לנר דף נד. “רש”י ה”ג לגבי המזבח
Note: The Rambam says they sounded חצוצרות for the opening of the upper and lower gates on every רגל and not just on Sukkos. Rashi disagrees as Rashi says it was exclusive to Sukkos.
What is the source for the Rambam opinion?
What is the source for the Simchas Beis Hashoava on Sukkos?
See “רש”י דף נ. “בית השואבה
Learn רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ח הלכה יב
Learn עמק ברכה שמחת בית השואבה ס’ א who ties the entire Sugya together.
Quickly review גמרא דף נג עמוד ב until the two dots on top of .דף נד
Learn “תוס’ דף נג: “רבי יהודה
Learn “תוס’ דף נד. “מהו
Sugya: Pausing כדי נשימה between שברים תרועה
Rebbe Yehuda and the Rabanan disagree whether we consider each set of tekios (tekia, Terra, tekia) as one or three. This seems to be just a technical argument: what halachic difference is there between Rabanan and Rebbe Yehuda?
See רש”י דף נג: “ולא כלום
Learn ריטב”א דף נד. “ואימא הכי נמי who learns a chidush in Hilchos Tekias shofar from our gemara in regards to pausing כדי נשימה between the three שברים and between שברים תרועה.
Note the disagreement between Rashi and the Ritva.
Learn the “מאירי דף נג:-נד “יד למדים מסוגיא זו who argues on the Ritva.
How do we conclude lhalacha in regards to pausing כדי נשימה between the three שברים and between שברים תרועה.
Learn שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ תק”צ סעיף ד and the משנה ברורה
According to the opinion that one may pause כדי נשימה between שברים תרועה if the baal tokea blows them without a pause is the set still valid?
See משנה ברורה ס”ק יז & כ
According to the opinion that there can be absolutely no break between שברים תרועה if the baal tokea pauses כדי נשימה is the set still valid?
See משנה ברורה ס”ק יח and (הגהות חזון איש (או”ח ס’ קל”ו ס”ק א “ומה” who argues on the משנה ברורה
Why are these eight great tzaddikim referred to as נסיכים?
Why specifically these eight?
See שם משמואל, חנוכה, שנת תרפ”ג עמ’ רסא-ב
Learn the “גמרא דף נב: “ארבעה סולמות (the two dots eleven lines from the bottom of the Amud) until דף נג. “הוא היה אומר
What is the significance of the height of the lanterns being 50 Amos?
What is the significance of the volume of each basin of the lanterns containing 120 Lug?
Learn תוספת יום טוב
Learn ערוך לנר
May one benefit from the light produced from oil of הקדש?
Learn תוספת דף נג. “אשה
Why were these praises specifically said at the Simchas Beis Hashoeva?
Learn בן יהוידע
How could Hillel say “If I’m here everyone is here” it seems like a very haughty statement? Especially for Hillel who was known for his extreme humility?
Quickly review גמרא דף נא: “במוצאי יו”ט (two dots seven lines from the bottom of the Amud) until דף נב. “האי הספידא
How does the fact that the Torah wants to keep men and women separated override the pasuk with the instruction not to alter the Beis Hamikdash from the blueprint of Dovid Hamelech?
Learn גמרא דף נב. “האי הספידא until “תנו רבנן משיח בן דוד” (middle of the Amud)
According to the explanation that the Navi is discussing the death of the yetzer harah.
How does the Gemara answer its question as to why people are eulogizing the yetzer harah?
Learn מהרש”א
Why would it be necessary to separate men and women at the Hesped for the yetzer harah. There should be no possibility of sin now that the yetzer harah is gone?
What is the difference between the ruling of the Mechaber and the Rema?
According to the Mechaber, If someone already davened silent shemoneh esreh can he respond Amen to חזרת הש”ץ without knowing what bracha had just been said?
Learn the משנה ברורה
According to the first explanation of Tosfos, why is the issue of responding an אמן יתומה just in regards to a bracha one is obligated to recite?
Why is the punishment so severe for saying an אמן יתומה?
Learn גמרא דף נא: “במוצאי יו”ט (two dots seven lines from the bottom of the Amud) until דף נב. “האי הספידא
How does the fact that the Torah wants to keep men and women separated override the pasuk with the instruction not to alter the Beis Hamikdash from the blueprint of Dovid Hamelech?
According to the explanation that the Navi is discussing the death of the yetzer harah.
How does the Gemara answer it’s question as to why people are eulogizing the yetzer harah?
Learn מהרש”א
Why would it be necessary to separate men and women at the Hesped for the yetzer harah. There should be no possibility of sin now that the yetzer harah is gone?
According to the first answer of Tosfos, If you daven shemoneh esreh by yourself can you respond Amen to חזרת הש”ץ without knowing what bracha had just been said?
According to the second answer of Tosfos is it permitted to respond Amen to a bracha that one is obligated to recite when he did not hear the bracha but knows exactly which bracha had just been said?
List the נפקא מינה between the two answers of Tosfos.
Learn the :גמרא דף נא from after the Mishnah until the two dots
If the Jews living in mitzrayim were in violation of the לא תעשה prohibiting one to live in Mitzrayim why does the gemara attribute their settlement as the paradigm example of the honor of klal yisrael?
Why didn’t the gemara know in the question that they were in violation of the לא תעשה not to return to Mitzrayim?
Why were the Jews living in Mitzrayim punished so harshly for living in Mitzrayim which is just a לא תעשה – culpable at most with lashes and not death?
Were the people who were born and raised in Egypt in violation of the לא תעשה as they never actually moved to egypt?
Learn “ערוך לנר “סטיו כפול who answers many of the above questions
Clarify the two answers of Tosfos as to why the response of Amen based on the signal of the flag was not considered an אמן יתומה
Does the opinion of Rav Tzadok Hakohen that Tosfos quotes agree with the first explanation of tosfos or the second answer of Tosfos?
Learn גמרא ברכות דף מז. “אמן יתומה with Rashi and Tosfos who asks the same question of Tosfos in Sukkah and only brings the second the answer of Tosfos.
According to the second answer of Tosfos is it permitted to respond Amen to a bracha that one is obligated to recite when he did not hear the bracha but knows exactly which bracha had just been said?
List the נפקא מינה between the two answers of Tosfos.
Note the differences between the Rambam and the Mishnah
How could the Ramabm say the setting up of the bleachers for women occurred on Erev Sukkos when the mishnah says it was done the night after the first day of Sukkos?
Why does the Ramabm not specify that the musical instruments were played by the Leviim?
Why does the Rambam not list the Chalil as one of the instruments?
Why does the Rambam not mention the blasting of the shofar as the water drawer exited the Beis hamikdash?
See ערוך לנר who addresses many of the differences.
Learn “גמרא שבת דף כא. “תניא רמי בר חמא (fifth wide line) until “אמר רב הונא” (two dots) which discusses wicks made from wool may not be used on Shabbos nor in the Beis Hamikdash and asks how could they use the worn out belts of the kohanim as wicks for the Simchas Beis Hashoava as they contained wool.
How was it permitted to use the worn out clothing of the kohanim as wicks for the Simchas Beis Hashoava, it should be prohibited because of מעילה – deriving benefit from הקדש?
Learn the second half of “תוס’ שבת דף כא. “שמחת בית השואבה
What is the reason why playing musical instruments is permitted? Is it because the mitzvah of Simcha for the Nisuch Hamayim is only drabanan or because it’s not part of the Avodah?
Learn חידושי גרי”ז סוכה דף נ (attached in the email (it’s the last page in the Sefer)
Learn the entire .משנה דף נא
Learn “תוס’ דף נא. “מבלאי
Learn תוספת יום טוב who asks why didn’t Tosfos also ask from the מצנפת?
Learn “גמרא שבת דף כא. “תניא רמי בר חמא (fifth wide line) until “אמר רב הונא” (two dots) which discusses wicks made from wool may not be used on Shabbos nor in the Beis Hamikdash and asks how could they use the worn out belts of the kohanim as wicks for the Simchas Beis Hashoeva as they contained wool.
How was it permitted to use the worn out clothing of the kohanim as wicks for the Simchas Beis Hashoeva, it should be prohibited because of מעילה – deriving benefit from הקדש?