Category: Evening Chabura

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Shabbos: Third Perek – Monday night shiur Kislev 9, Daf 36b (12/09/24)

Quickly review “תוס’ דף לו: “לא


Rashi sources the איסור שהייה to הטמנה בדבר המוסיף הבל which the Gemara explains is prohibited because we are considered שמא יחתה.  Tosfos argues on Rashi and says the prohibition is because שמא יחתה. How is Tosfos’ explanation different from Rashi?

According to Tosfos how does raking out the coals or placing ashes on the גפת ועצים permit one to place cooked food on the Kirah?

Learn “ר”ן “או עד שיתן האפר

List two differences between Rashi and Tosfos/ Ran in regards to הטמנה and two possible differences in regards to שהייה

According to Tosfos why is הטמנה more stringent than שהייה?

Learn “תוס’ מז: “במה

Learn ב”ח ס’ רנ”ג ס”ק י for a new explanation in Rashi 

Bring a proof from Rashi דף לד: “גזירה against this explanation 

Review the גמרא דף לו עמוד ב until דף לז. “ת”ש” (Eleven lines from top of the Amud)

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Shabbos: Third Perek – Wednesday night shiur Kislev 4, Daf 36b (12/04/24)

There are two prohibitions listed in the Mishna – שהייה & חזרה

We are going to first focus on the איסור שהייה


What is the reason for the איסור שהייה?

See רש”י לו: “עד שיגרוף

Why does Rashi source the reason for איסור שהייה to a Gemara of איסור הטמנה (insulating)?

Learn the גמרא דף לד עמוד ב which explains the two different types of  הטמנה and why each are prohibited. 

According to Rashi how does גרוף או קטום remove the fact of מוסיף הבל?

Learn תוס’ דף לו: “לא

Clarify the two questions of Tosfos on Rashi

Major Question:

Rashi sources the איסור שהייה to הטמנה בדבר המוסיף הבל which the Gemara explains is prohibited because we are considered שמא יחתה.  Tosfos argues on Rashi and says the prohibition is because שמא יחתה. How is Tosfos’ explanation different from Rashi?

Why does raking out the coals or placing ashes on the גפת ועצים permit one to place cooked food on the Kirah?

Learn “ר”ן “או עד שיתן האפר

Note the differences between the questions Tosfos asks in Rashi and the the questions the Ran asks on Rashi.

What is the difference between Rashi and the Ran?

Learn בית יוסף & ב”ח ס’ רנ”ג סע’ א (I will show you exact piece)

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Shabbos: Third Perek – Monday night shiur Kislev 2, Daf 36b (12/02/24)

Quickly review the משנה דף לו עמוד ב

There are two prohibitions listed in the Mishna – שהייה & חזרה

We are going to first focus on the איסור שהייה

Review the גמרא דף לו עמוד ב until דף לז. “ת”ש” (eleven lines from top of the Amud)


What is the reason for the איסור שהייה?

See רש”י לו: “עד שיגרוף

Learn תוס’ דף לו: “לא

Clarify the two questions of Tosfos on Rashi


According to Rashi is הטמנה בדבר המוסיף הבל permitted when the fire is גרוף או קטום?

Major Question:

How is Tosfos’ explanation different from Rashi?

Why does raking out the coals or placing ashes on the גפת ועצים permit one to place cooked food on the Kirah?

Learn “ר”ן “או עד שיתן האפר

What is the difference between Rashi and the Ran?

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Wednesday night, Cheshvan 20 Daf 56b (11/20/24)

Review and continue learning the גמרא דף נו:   “אע”פ (seven lines before end of mesachta) until end of the mesachta 


Why did Bilga kick the Mizbeach?

Why did Bilga refer to the Mizbeach as a wolf? 

Why does the Gemara end with the benefit of living next to a tzadik when the family the Gemara discusses were not tzadikim? 

Why did the neighbors of Bilga gain when normally the neighbors of the wicked lose out?

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night, Cheshvan 18 Daf 56a-56b (11/18/24)

Learn the גמרא דף נו: “והני תרתי until אע”פ (seven lines before end of mesachta)


Why does the Gemara question fining the father for the actions of his daughter. The pasuk says a naarah murasah that has zenus is stoned by the door of her father’s house?

What’s the halacha implication to a kohen whose daughter commits adultery or adopts a different religion?  

See מהרש”א and רש”ש

See שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ קכח סע’ מא and מגן אברהם ס”ק סב


Why did Bilga kick the Mizbeach?

Why did Bilga refer to the Mizbeach as a wolf? 

Why does the Gemara end with the benefit of living next to a tzadik when the family the Gemara discusses were not tzadikim? 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night, Cheshvan 11 Daf 56a-56b (11/11/24)

Review the משנה דף נו and the גמרא דף נו until the two dots on דף נו עמוד ב


What is the reason that the Mishmar that is leaving gets an equal portion of lechem panim when yom tov and Shabbos follow each other?

See Rashi

Learn רמב”ם ה’ תמידין פרק ד הלכה יב who gives a different explanation than Rashi.  

See ה’ ראב”ד who asks on the Rambam and the ה’ רדב”ז and כסף משנה who explains the Rambam 

Which Mishmar receives two challos from the lechem hapanim when there is one day in between yom tov and shabbos? Why?

See Rashi

Learn רמב”ם ה’ תמידין פרק ד הלכה יג who explains the Gemara entirely different than Rashi 

See ה’ ראב”ד who asks on the Rambam and the ה’ רדב”ז and כסף משנה who explains the Rambam

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night, Cheshvan 4 Daf 56a-56b (11/04/24)

Continue learning the גמרא דף נו עמוד ב from the two dots until the Mishna 

Learn the משנה דף נו and the גמרא דף נו until the two dots on דף נו עמוד ב


What is the reason that the Mishmar that is leaving gets an equal portion of lechem panim when yom tov and Shabbos follow each other?

See Rashi

Learn רמב”ם ה’ תמידין פרק ד הלכה יב who gives a different explanation than Rashi.  

See ה’ ראב”ד who asks on the Rambam and the ה’ רדב”ז and כסף משנה who explains the Rambam 

Which Mishmar receives two challos from the lechem hapanim when there is one day in between yom tov and shabbos? Why?

See Rashi

Learn רמב”ם ה’ תמידין פרק ד הלכה יג who explains the Gemara entirely different than Rashi 

See ה’ ראב”ד who asks on the Rambam and the ה’ רדב”ז and כסף משנה who explains the Rambam

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night, Tishrei 27, Daf 56a-56b (10/28/24)

Review גמרא דף נו. “בעצרת אומר לו הילך (two dots – seven lines from top of the Amud) until the two dots before the Mishna 


When the gemara concludes the order is leishev and then shehechiyanu why does the gemara not simply say the halacha is like Rav? 

See תוס’ מו. “נכנס

Learn קרבן נתנאל אות צ

Learn תוס’ נו. “עד

Learn תוס’ נו. “והלכתא

Learn  רא”ש פרק ד סימן ד who brings rishinom who rule that on the second night of Sukkos (in chutz laaretz) we switch the order and first day shehechiyanu and then make bracha leshev basukkah

Clarify the argument why the order should or should not be switched

Learn גמרא דף נו. “בעצרת אומר לו הילך (two dots – seven lines from top of the Amud) until the two dots before the Mishna 

Learn the משנה דף נו and the גמרא דף נו until the two dots on דף נו עמוד ב


What is the reason that the Mishmar that is leaving gets an equal portion of lechem panim when yom tov and Shabbos follow each other?

See Rashi

Learn רמב”ם ה’ תמידין פרק ד הלכה יב who gives a different explanation than Rashi.  

See ה’ ראב”ד who aska on the Rambam and the ה’ רדב”ז and כסף משנה who explains the Rambam 

Which Mishmar receives two challos from the lechem hapanim when there is one day in between yom tov and shabbos? Why?

See Rashi

Learn רמב”ם ה’ תמידין פרק ד הלכה יג who explains the Gemara entirely different than Rashi 

See ה’ ראב”ד who aska on the Rambam and the ה’ רדב”ז and כסף משנה who explains the Rambam

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night, Tishrei 13, Daf 56a (10/14/24)

Learn גמרא דף נו. “בעצרת אומר לו הילך (two dots – seven lines from top of the Amud) until the two dots before the Mishna 

Learn  רא”ש פרק ד סימן ד who brings rishinom who rule that on the second night of Sukkos (in chutz laaretz) we switch the order and first day shechiyanu and then make bracha leishev basukkah

Clarify the argument why the order should or should not be switched


If someone recited shechiyanu when he constructed his sukkah what should the order of the brachos be when he sits in his sukkah on the first night of sukkos? 

When the gemara concludes the order is leishev and then shechiyanu why does the gemara not simply say the halacha is like Rav? 

See תוס’ מו. “נכנס

Learn קרבן נתנאל אות צ

How do we conclude lhalacha?

Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרמ”ג and ס’ תרס”א  with the משנה ברורה  

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night, Elul 21, Daf 55a (09/23/24)

Learn גמרא דף נה. “מאי תלמודא (seven lines from top of the Amud) until the end of the Amud

See how Rashi explains the setup for the krias hatorah on Chol Hamoed Sukkos. 

Learn תוספת דף נה. “איתקן who points out an inconsistency according to Rashi. And asks a question on Rashi from the order of Krias Hatorah on Chanukah. 

Tosfos presents another way to structure the Krias Hatorah on Chol Hamoed. 

Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרס”ג סע’ א to see how the Shulchan Aruch concludes.

Questions from last week:

Is the principle of תדיר קדים just in regards to what comes first in an order of procedure or even in regards to selecting one out of two which would be performed?

Learn תוס’ “ואמאי

Learn תוספת שבת דף כג: “הדר

which discusses what Haftarah is read on Shabbos Chanukah when it coincides with Rosh Chodesh. Tosfos quotes the Rashba that the Haftarah of Chanukah is read as פרסומי ניסא is greater then reason of תדיר as is the conclusion of Rava in the gemara Shabbos. However for the krias hatorah the reading of the parsha of Rosh Chodesh comes first before krias hatorah of Chanukah as both kraih’s will be read and it’s just a question of which one is read first then we say תדיר קודם.

Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרפד סע’ ג

And מגן אברהם ס”ק ב which asks a question on our Tosfos based on the conclusion of Tosfos in Shabbos 

See אשל אברהם ס”ק ב for an explanation of the question of the מגן אברהם 

Learn ערוך לנר דף נד: על תוס

and פסקי ריד על גמרא

“פסקי רי”ד מסכת סוכה דף נד עמוד ב

מיתיבי ראש חודש שחל להיות בשבת שיר של ראש חודש דוחה שבת, ואם איתה לימ’ דראש חודש ולימ’ דשבת, אמ’ רב פפא מאי דוחה לקדם, ואמאי תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר (ל)קדם, אמ’ ר’ יוחנ’ לידע שהוקבע ראש חודש בזמנו. מיכן מוכיח שאם אמ’ שיר אח’ ראש חודש דוחה שבת, ואף על גב דשבת תדירה, זה שבא לפרקי’ דוחה אותו. ומיכן יש להוכיח להביא ראייה דראש [חדש] טבת שחל להיות בשבת ההפטרה דחנוכה אמרי’ שהיא באה לפרקים ולא דראש חודש שהיא תדירה. 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Wednesday night, Elul 16, Daf 54b-55a (09/18/24)

Learn the  גמרא דף נד: ” מיתיבי (second wide line of the Amud) until “דף נה. מיתיבי (third line) 


Is the principle of תדיר קדים just in regards to what comes first in an order of procedure or even in regards to selecting one out of two which would be performed?

Learn תוס’ “ואמאי

Learn תוספת שבת דף כג: “הדר

which discusses what Haftarah is read on Shabbos Chanukah when it coincides with Rosh Chodesh. Tosfos quotes the Rashba that the Haftarah of Chanukah is read as פרסומי ניסא is greater then reason of תדיר as is the conclusion of Rava in the gemara Shabbos. However for the krias hatorah the reading of the parsha of Rosh Chodesh comes first before krias hatorah of Chanukah as both kraih’s will be read and it’s just a question of which one is read first then we say תדיר קודם.

Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרפד סע’ ג

And מגן אברהם ס”ק ב which asks a question on our Tosfos based on the conclusion of Tosfos in Shabbos 

See אשל אברהם ס”ק ב for an explanation of the question of the מגן אברהם 

Learn ערוך לנר דף נד: על תוס

and פסקי ריד על גמרא

“פסקי רי”ד מסכת סוכה דף נד עמוד במיתיבי ראש חודש שחל להיות בשבת שיר של ראש חודש דוחה שבת, ואם איתה לימ’ דראש חודש ולימ’ דשבת, אמ’ רב פפא מאי דוחה לקדם, ואמאי תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר (ל)קדם, אמ’ ר’ יוחנ’ לידע שהוקבע ראש חודש בזמנו. מיכן מוכיח שאם אמ’ שיר אח’ ראש חודש דוחה שבת, ואף על גב דשבת תדירה, זה שבא לפרקי’ דוחה אותו. ומיכן יש להוכיח להביא ראייה דראש [חדש] טבת שחל להיות בשבת ההפטרה דחנוכה אמרי’ שהיא באה לפרקים ולא דראש חודש שהיא תדירה. 

Continue learning the גמרא דף נה until the end of the Amud

Learn תוספת דף מה. “איתקן

And שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרסג סע’ א

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night, Elul 14, Daf 54a-54b (09/16/24)

Learn the “גמרא דף נד: “ואין מוסיפים על מ”ח (two dots) until “מיתיבי” (second wide line)


Was water drawn for Nisuch Hamayim on Yom tov?

See רש”י דף נד: “והיכי דמי  

And רש”י דף נד. “לפי שאין תוקעים למילוי המים בשבת (six lines from bottom of the Amud)

Learn תוס’ דף נד: כגון 

Learn מהרש”א דף נד: “בפרש”י which asks a contradiction between the above two Rashi’s?

And תוס’ דף נ: “ורבנן (starting from “ומיהו קשה”) 

Learn ערוך לנר דף נ: על תוס’ “ורבנן דברי המתחיל “ואגב דגזור בהו

Learn רמב״ם הלכות כלי המקדש פרק ז הלכה ו


The Rambam says there were no tekios on Shabbos. This seems unnecessary to state as there was no filling of the water on Shabbos so no reason for tekios?

Learn ערוך לנר דף נד: על רש”י “והיכי דמי

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night, Elul 7, Daf 54a (09/09/24)

Review גמרא דף נד. “ע”ש שבתוך החג (two dots – three lines from top of the Amud) until “כי אתר ר’ אחר בר חנינא ” (middle of the Amud) 

Learn רש”י “ה”ג לגבי המזבח very well 


What was unique about the tenth step?

See “ערוך לנר דף נא: “הגיעו למעלה עשירית 

Clarify the two explanation Rashi presents to what שלש על גבי מזבח means

How does the Rambam explain על גבי מזבח?

Learn רמב״ם הלכות כלי המקדש פרק ז הלכה ה-ו 

Learn רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ז הלכה כא


There seems to be a contradiction in the Rambam whether they sounded the shofar when they propped the aravah next to the mizbeich or when they did Nisuch Hamayim?

If they sounded the חצוצרות when they propped the aravah next to the mizbeich and when they did Nisuch Hamayim then seemingly there should be a total of 51 blasts and not 48?

Learn “ערוך לנר דף נד. “רש”י ה”ג לגבי המזבח 

Note: The Rambam says they sounded חצוצרות for the opening of the upper and lower gates on every רגל and not just on Sukkos. Rashi disagrees as Rashi says it was exclusive to Sukkos. 


What is the source for the Rambam opinion? 

What is the source for the Simchas Beis Hashoava on Sukkos? 

See “רש”י דף נ. “בית השואבה 

Learn רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ח הלכה יב

Learn עמק ברכה שמחת בית השואבה ס’ א who ties the entire Sugya together.

Quickly review גמרא דף נג עמוד ב until the two dots on top of .דף נד

Learn “תוס’ דף נג: “רבי יהודה

Learn “תוס’ דף נד. “מהו

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Wednesday night, Elul 2, Daf 54a (09/04/24)

Learn the גמרא דף נד. “ע”ש שבתוך החג (two dots – three lines from top of the Amud) until “כי אתר ר’ אחר בר חנינא ” (middle of the Amud) 

Learn רש”י “ה”ג לגבי המזבח very well 


What was unique about the tenth step?

See “ערוך לנר דף נא: “הגיעו למעלה עשירית 

Clarify the two explanation Rashi presents to what שלש על גבי מזבח means

How does the Rambam explain על גבי מזבח?

Learn רמב״ם הלכות כלי המקדש פרק ז הלכה ה-ו 

Learn רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ז הלכה כא


There seems to be a contradiction in the Rambam whether they sounded the shofar when they propped the aravah next to the mizbeich or when they did Nisuch Hamayim?

If they sounded the חצוצרות when they propped the aravah next to the mizbeich and when they did Nisuch Hamayim then seemingly there should be a total of 51 blasts and not 48?

Learn “ערוך לנר דף נד. “רש”י ה”ג לגבי המזבח 

Note: The Rambam says they sounded חצוצרות for the opening of the upper and lower gates on every רגל and not just on Sukkos. Rashi disagrees as Rashi says it was exclusive to Sukkos. 


What is the source for the Rambam opinion? 

What is the source for the Simchas Beis Hashoava on Sukkos? 

See “רש”י דף נ. “בית השואבה 

Learn רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ח הלכה יב

Learn עמק ברכה שמחת בית השואבה ס’ א who ties the entire Sugya together.

Quickly review גמרא דף נג עמוד ב until the two dots on top of .דף נד

Learn “תוס’ דף נג: “רבי יהודה

Learn “תוס’ דף נד. “מהו

Sugya: Pausing כדי נשימה between שברים תרועה


Rebbe Yehuda and the Rabanan disagree whether we consider each set of tekios (tekia, Terra, tekia) as one or three. This seems to be just a technical argument: what halachic difference is there between Rabanan and Rebbe Yehuda?

See רש”י דף נג: “ולא כלום

Learn ריטב”א דף נד. “ואימא הכי נמי who learns a chidush in Hilchos Tekias shofar from our gemara in regards to pausing כדי נשימה between the three שברים and between שברים תרועה.

Note the disagreement between Rashi and the Ritva. 

Learn the “מאירי דף נג:-נד “יד למדים מסוגיא זו who argues on the Ritva. 

How do we conclude lhalacha in regards to pausing כדי נשימה between the three שברים and between שברים תרועה.

Learn שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ תק”צ סעיף ד and the משנה ברורה

According to the opinion that one may pause כדי נשימה between שברים תרועה if the baal tokea blows them without a pause is the set still valid? 

See משנה ברורה ס”ק יז & כ

According to the opinion that there can be absolutely no break between שברים תרועה if the baal tokea pauses כדי נשימה is the set still valid? 

See משנה ברורה ס”ק יח and (הגהות חזון איש (או”ח ס’ קל”ו ס”ק א “ומה” who argues on the משנה ברורה

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Wednesday night shiur, Av 11, Daf 52b-53a (08/14/24)

Learn  “גמרא דף נב: “ארבעה חרשים” (middle of the wide line) until the two dots.

The Gemara lists four חרשים

Why are these four great tzaddikim referred to as חרשים?

Why specifically these four?

Learn ערוך לנר

The Gemara lists seven רועים

Why are these seven great tzaddikim referred to as  רועים?

Why specifically these seven?

Learn בן יהוידע

The Gemara lists eight נסיכים

Why are these eight great tzaddikim referred to as נסיכים?

Why specifically these eight?

See שם משמואל, חנוכה, שנת תרפ”ג עמ’ רסא-ב

Learn the  “גמרא דף נב: “ארבעה סולמות (the two dots eleven lines from the bottom of the Amud) until דף נג. “הוא היה אומר 


What is the significance of the height of the lanterns being 50 Amos?

What is the significance of the volume of each basin of the lanterns containing 120 Lug? 

Learn תוספת יום טוב 

Learn ערוך לנר 

May one benefit from the light produced from oil of הקדש?

Learn תוספת דף נג. “אשה

Why were these praises specifically said at the Simchas Beis Hashoeva?

Learn בן יהוידע 

How could Hillel say “If I’m here everyone is here” it seems like a very haughty statement? Especially for Hillel who was known for his extreme humility?

Learn “רש”י “אם אני כאן

Learn “תוספת “אם

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Wednesday night shiur, Av 4, Daf 52b (08/07/24)

Learn “גמרא דף נב: “אמר רב שמואל בר נחמני (twelve lines from top of the Amud) until “ארבעה חרשים” (middle of the wide line)


Why does the pasuk refer to the fact that yetzer harah testifies against a person in a hidden gematria form? 

What kind of parable is the different manifestation of the yetzer harah as stranger, guest, and master? 

See בן יהוידע


How do we explain that Hashem regrets as Hashem is perfect and does not make mistakes?

First place it mentions that Hashem has regret – וינחם is בראשית פרק ו פסוק ו

See Rav Shamshon Rafael Hirsch on the above pasuk who explains the difference between the regret of Hashem and the regret of man.

But we still need an explanation of the regret for the four areas listed in our gemara?

Learn ערוך לנר

and בן יהוידע specifically these four areas? 

Learn מהרש”א

See מהר”ל תפארת ישראל פרק יג pg. רט הערה 67 (in Rabbi Hartman explanation) 

See מהר”ל נתיבות עולם – נתיב כח היצר פרק ד ” היצה”ר שברא

Continue learning “גמרא דף נב: “ארבעה חרשים” (middle of the wide line) until the two dots.

The Gemara lists four חרשים

Why are these four great tzaddikim referred to as חרשים?

Why specifically these four?

Learn ערוך לנר

The Gemara lists seven רועים

Why are these seven great tzaddikim referred to as  רועים?

Why specifically these seven?

Learn בן יהוידע specifically these four areas? 

The Gemara lists eight נסיכים

Why are these eight great tzaddikim referred to as נסיכים?

Why specifically these eight?

Learn שם משמואל, חנוכה, שנת תרפ”ג עמ’ רסא-ב

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night shiur, Av 2, Daf 52a-52b (08/05/24)


Why is Moshiach Ben Dovid so concerned about staying alive? 

What is the need for two Moshiach – Ben Yosef and Ben Dovid?

Learn מהרש”א דף נב. “”על משיח בן יוסף  

Learn מהר”ל נצח ישראל פרק לז

Learn “גמרא דף נב. “ת”ר ואת הצפוני ארחיק ” (third wide line) until דף נב: “אמר רב חנא בר אחא .. ד’ מתחרט עליהן הקב”ה (second wide line) 


Why does the yetzer harah specifically set his sights on talmidim chachamim?

What does it mean the yetzer harah of a great person is stronger than for regular person? 

Does the yetzer harah attempt to attract a talmid chacham to base sins? 

See שיחות מוסר מאמר צא page 390

See עלי שור חלק א שער שלישי – דעת תורה פרק י page 227-228

See מעלות התורה note from אור התורה אות יד

Why the need to drag the yetzer harah to the beis medrash instead of saying the person himself should run to the beis medrash?

What is the message in comparing the yetzer harah to a stone and to iron?

Learn בן יהוידע

Learn פ’ גר”א משלי פרק כה פסוק כא & פרק ב פסוק יב

Learn פ’ גר”א מגילת אסתר פרק ב פסוק יב

See commentary from Rav Brevda zt”l on this pasuk במקורות והערות “שישליך תאוות and עיונים ומליאום בסוף הספר 

Why does the pasuk refer to the fact that yetzer harah testifies against a person in a hidden gematria form? 

What kind of parable is the different manifestation of the yetzer harah as stranger, guest, and master? 

See בן יהוידע

How do we explain that Hashem regrets as Hashem is perfect and does not make mistakes?

First place it mentions that Hashem has regret – וינחם is בראשית פרק ו פסוק ו

See Rav Shamshon Rafael Hirsch on the above pasuk who explains the difference between the regret of Hashem and the regret of man.

But we still need an explanation of the regret for the four areas listed in our gemara?

Learn ערוך לנר

and בן יהוידע

Why specifically these four areas? 

Learn מהרש”א

See מהר”ל תפארת ישראל פרק יג pg. רט הערה 67 (in Rabbi Hartman explanation) 

See מהר”ל נתיבות עולם – נתיב כח היצר פרק ד ” היצה”ר שברא 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Wednesday night shiur, Tamuz 26, Daf 52a (07/31/24)


According to the explanation that the Navi is discussing the death of the yetzer harah. 

How does the Gemara answer its question as to why people are eulogizing the yetzer harah?

Learn מהרש”א 

Why are the tzadikim crying? 

How is it possible for the yetzer harah to be different for tzadikim than the reshaim? 

Learn מהרש”א and ערוך לנר

What is the concept the gemara is teaching us with the comparison of the yetzer harah to a mountain and to a strand of hair?

Learn מדרגות האדם מאמר תיקון המידות  (page 37 in new print)

See שיחות מוסר מאמר צא page 390

Learn the גמרא דף נב. “א”ר אסי  ” (middle of the Amud) until “ת”ר ואת הצפוני ארחיק ” (third wide line) 


What is the significance of the seven names of the yetzer harah?

Learn מהרש”א and ערוך לנר

Learn בראשית פרק א פסוק לא

See מדרש רבה ט, ז which says טוב מאד is referring to the yetzer harah.

This seems contradictory to our gemara that Hashem calls the yetzer harah רע?

Learn מכתב מאליהו חלק ה page 160-162

Why does the yetzer harah specifically set his sights on talmidim chachamim?

What does it mean that the yetzer harah of a great person is stronger than for a regular person? 

See שיחות מוסר מאמר צא page 390

See עלי שור חלק א שער שלישי – דעת תורה פרק י page 227-228

(See מעלות התורה  note from אור התורה אות יד

Why the need to drag the yetzer harah to the beis medrash instead of saying the person himself should run to the beis medrash?

What is the message in comparing the yetzer harah to a stone and to iron?

Learn בן יהוידע

Learn פ’ גר”א משלי פרק כה פסוק כא & פרק ב פסוק יב 

Learn פ’ גר”א מגילת אסתר פרק ב פסוק יב and commentary from Rav Brevda zt”l on this pasuk במקורות והערות “שישליך תאוות and עיונים ומליאום בסוף הספר 

Why is Moshiach Ben Dovid so concerned about staying alive? 

What is the need for two Moshiach – Ben Yosef and Ben Dovid?

Learn מהרש”א דף נב. “”על משיח בן יוסף  

Learn מהר”ל נצח ישראל פרק לז

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night shiur, Tamuz 24, Daf 52a (07/29/24)

From last week 

Quickly review גמרא דף נא: “במוצאי יו”ט (two dots seven lines from the bottom of the Amud) until דף נב. “האי הספידא 


How does the fact that the Torah wants to keep men and women separated override the pasuk with the instruction not to alter the Beis Hamikdash from the blueprint of Dovid Hamelech?

Learn מהרש”א

See הערות מסכת סוכה 

What was the reason for the separation between men and women?

Was it A) to prevent them from mingling or B) prevent men from seeing the women?

See רש”י דף נא: “קרא אשכחו (last line of the Amud)

See פ’ המשניות לרמב”ם פרק ה משנה ב

What is the reason a shul has to have a mechitza?

See אגרות משה או”ח חלק א ס’ לט & מא

Learn גמרא דף נב. “האי הספידא until “תנו רבנן משיח בן דוד” (middle of the Amud) 


According to the explanation that the Navi is discussing the death of the yetzer harah. 

How does the Gemara answer its question as to why people are eulogizing the yetzer harah?

Learn מהרש”א 

Why would it be necessary to separate men and women at the Hesped for the yetzer harah. There should be no possibility of sin now that the yetzer harah is gone?

See עלי שור

Why are the tzadikim crying? 

Learn מהרש”א and ערוך לנר

How is it possible for the yetzer harah to be different for tzadikim than the reshaim? 

It seems to be counter intuitive that the tzadikim had a larger challenge then the wicked who fell trap to the yetzer harah?

Learn מהרש”א  and ערוך לנר 

What is the concept the gemara is teaching us with the comparison of the yetzer harah to a mountain and to a strand of hair?

Learn מדרגות האדם מאמר תיקון המידות  (page 37 in new print)

See שיחות מוסר מאמר צא page 390

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Wednesday night shiur, Tamuz 19, Daf 51b-52a (07/24/24)

How do we conclude lhalacha regarding אמן יתומה?

Learn שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ קכ”ד סע’ ח


What is the difference between the ruling of the Mechaber and the Rema?

According to the Mechaber, If someone already davened silent shemoneh esreh can he respond Amen to חזרת הש”ץ without knowing what bracha had just been said?

Learn the משנה ברורה 


According to the first explanation of Tosfos, why is the issue of responding an אמן יתומה just in regards to a bracha one is obligated to recite? 

See שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ קס”ז סע’ ט”ז

and שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ רי”ג סע’ ב ומשנה ברורה ס”ק י”ז

and שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ רי”ט סע’ ד-ה

See ח’ ר’ אריה לייב מאלין חלק א ס’ ה who gives an explanation based on some of the above sources )


Why is the punishment so severe for saying an אמן יתומה?

Learn גמרא דף נא: “במוצאי יו”ט (two dots seven lines from the bottom of the Amud) until דף נב. “האי הספידא 


How does the fact that the Torah wants to keep men and women separated override the pasuk with the instruction not to alter the Beis Hamikdash from the blueprint of Dovid Hamelech?

Learn מהרש”א

See הערות מסכתא סוכה 

What was the reason for the separation between men and women so they would not mingle together or that man would not see the women?

See רש”י דף נא: “קרא אשכחו (last line of the Amud)

See פ’ משניות לרמב”ם פרק ה משנה ב

What is the reason a shul has to have a mechitza?

See אגרות משה או”ח חלק א ס’ לט & מא

Does the בימה of a shul need to be specifically in the center? 

Learn רמב״ם הלכות תפלה פרק י”א הלכה ג

And the כסף משנה 

Learn שו”ת חת”ס או”ח ס’ כ”ח

See אגרות משה או”ח חלק א ס’ מב

According to the explanation that the Navi is discussing the death of the yetzer harah. 

How does the Gemara answer it’s question as to why people are eulogizing the yetzer harah?

Learn מהרש”א 

Why would it be necessary to separate men and women at the Hesped for the yetzer harah. There should be no possibility of sin now that the yetzer harah is gone?

See עלי שור

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night shiur, Tamuz 17, Daf 51b (07/22/24)


How was the Rambam permitted to live in Mitzrayim?

Learn רמב”ם ה’ מלכים פרק ה הלכה ז-ח and the רדב”ז (on side of the Rambam) who answers this question.

Quickly review the :גמרא דף נא just the lines discussing the waving of the flag in the shul to respond Amen 

Learn גמרא ברכות דף מז. “ת”ר אין עונין … אמן יתומה (two dots in the middle of the Amud) with Rashi and Tosfos

Learn “תוס’ דף נב. “וכיון

Clarify the two answers of Tosfos as to why the response of Amen based on the signal of the flag was not considered an אמן יתומה


Does the opinion of Rav Tzadok Hakohen that Tosfos quotes agree with the first explanation of tosfos or the second answer of Tosfos? 

See רבינו יונה ברכות מז for his explanation on אמן יתומה


  • Why is the punishment so severe for saying an אמן יתומה?
  • According to the first answer of Tosfos, why is the issue of responding an אמן יתומה just in regards to a bracha one is obligated to recite? See ח’ ר’ אריה לייב מאלין חלק א ס’ ה
  • According to the first answer of Tosfos, If you daven shemoneh esreh by yourself can you respond Amen to חזרת הש”ץ without knowing what bracha had just been said?
  • According to the second answer of Tosfos is it permitted to respond Amen to a bracha that one is obligated to recite when he did not hear the bracha but knows exactly which bracha had just been said?
    • List the נפקא מינה between the two answers of Tosfos. 

Learn טור אורח חיים ס’ קכ”ד סע’ ח

Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ קכ”ד סע’ ח

What is the difference between the ruling of the Mechaber and the Rema?

See the Mishna Berura

See שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ קס”ז סע’ ט”ז

and שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ רי”ג סע’ ב ומשנה ברורה ס”ק י”ז

and שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ רי”ט סע’ ד-ה