Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום חמישי Rosh Chodesh Iyar II, Daf 24b (05/09/24)

Conclusion of the Sugya – “גמרא דף כד: “ההיא רחבה (seven lines from top of the Amud) until “הילכך” (four lines from bottom of the Amud) 

Learn תוס’ “ליעבד צורת הפתח

Focus on the new explanation Tosfos gives on the Gemara and continue learning the rest of the Tosfos on the sugyam

Tosfos presents a new explanation in the case of placing a mechitza אגודא דנהרא – at the banks of the river and placing a צורת הפתח by the פומא – entrance of the שביל של כרמים.

Make a chart with the four different solutions and how Rashi explains them and how Tosfos explains them 

List the reason why Tosfos differs from Rashi.

Learn the Ritva on the Sugya to answer many of the questions on Rashi