onclusion גמרא דף לח: “פינה ממיחם למיחם until the Mishna
Summarize the two answers of תוס’ “פינה and תוס’ ישנים as to what is the uncertainty in the case of פינה ממיחם למיחם (transferring the food to a different pot) whether it is permitted to return the second pot to the stove
Learn ר”ן דף יז: דפי הריף “בעי רב אשי for an additional two answers
How are the two explanations of the Ran different than each other?
How are the two explanations of the Ran different than Tosfos?
List the four answers to Tosfos question
How many different explanations do we have as to why it might be prohibited to do Chazarah if transfered the contents of original pot to a new pot.
In conclusion is it required to have the conditions of עודה בידו and דעתו להחזיר in order to return pot on to a stovetop?
Is placing the pot on a peg or on bed considered עודה בידו ?
If one transfered the contents of the original pot to a new pot can the second pot be returned to the stovetop?
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