Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Pesach Sugya: Hallel on Seder Night, יום חמישי – Nissan 8 (03/30/23)

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Sugya: Hallel on Seder Night

Why do we split the Hallel in the haggadah into two parts, first part at the conclusion of Maggid before we eat the matzah and maror, the second part after ברך (Bircas hamzon)? 

Other differences between the two parts of Hallel on seder night.

1. See רמב”ם ה’ חמץ ומצה פרק ח הלכה י and the ראב”ד who argue whether the second part of Hallel can be said in a different location than the beginning of the seder. 

2. Learn תוס’ מגילה דף כא. “לאתויי which says the second part of Hallel on seder night does not need to be said before chatzos?

3. See שו”ע ס’ תע”ג סע’ ז one should hold the cup of wine when reciting the first part of Hallel on seder night. See משנה ברורה ס”ק ע”ז as to why the cup should be held.

Why don’t we make a bracha on Hallel on seder night?

What is the source for the obligation of saying Hallel on seder night?

Learn the משנה פסחים דף קטז עמוד ב starting from חייב אדם לראות את עצמו until the end of the Mishna.

Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel argue whether just the first or also the second paragraph of Hallel needs to be said at the end of Maggid.

Learn the משנה פסחים דף קיז עמוד ב which states that Hallel must be completed on the fourth cup of wine.  

Why is Hallel completed at this juncture?

Learn the גמרא פסחים דף קיז. “והלל זה מי אמרו  (three lines before the medium wide lines) until the two dots. 

Rebbe Yosse is saying there is an obligation to say Hallel when the Korban Pesach is being slaughtered and when shake lulav on Sukkos. 

Why is one obligated to say Hallel then?

Learn the משנה פסחים דף צה and the גמרא צה: “הראשון טעון הלל באכילתו (two dots three lines from top of the amud) until the next two dots. 

The Gemara brings a pasuk in Yeshaya that we infer the obligation to say Hallel on Seder night. 

Learn the משנה פסחים דף סד which states clearly that Hallel was said when Korban Pesach was slaughtered. 

Are women obligated in saying Hallel on seder night? 

Learn תוס’ סוכה דף לח. “מי 

Note the reason Tosfos gives for saying Hallel on seder night.

Learn ר”ן פסחים כו: דפי הריף “אבל רבינו האי גאון (two lines) 

See ח’ גרי”ז ה’ חנוכה פ”ג ה”ו 

See עמק ברכה – הגדה אות ג

Learn רמב”ם ספר המצות עשה קנ”ז

and ספר החינוך מצוה כ”א

Note how they mention the obligation to say Hallel on seder night

Learn תוס’ ריד פסחים דף קט”ז: “עד for a reason why we split the hallel on seder night

See גמרא פסחים דף קטו: “אמר שמואל ‘לחם עוני 

and רש”י דף לו. “שעונין

Learn לבוש ס’ ת”פ for a reason why we split the hallel on seder night