Topic: ברכה למצות סוכה
Based on the גמרא דף מו
Learn “תוספת דף מה: “אחד
According to Tosfos why is the bracha on Sukkah recited specifically on eating or sleeping inside the Sukkah?
Learn רא”ש ס’ ג starting from ומה שאין מברכין על הסוכה בשעת שינה who quotes ר”ת who says the minhag is that a bracha on the Sukkah is only recited when eating inside the Sukkah.
Bring a proof whether the Rosh agrees with this minhag.
According to ר”ת why is the bracha on Sukkah recited specifically on eating?
If someone will sit inside a Sukkah but will not be eating or sleeping should he recite a bracha?
According to the conclusion of the גמרא דף מו , when does someone recite the bracha for the mitzvah of Sukkah?
See the ריף
According to the Rambam if someone walks out from his Sukkah for a few minutes does he need to make a new bracha when he returns?
See מגיד משנה “כל זמן and רבינו מנוח
What is the difference between them?
Learn תוספת ברכות דף יא: “שכבר starting from “וא”ת מאי שנא סוכה until “והיה אומר ר”ת
See רא”ש ברכות ס ‘יג starting from “כיוצא בה שאל ר”י until ומי שהשכים
There is a dispute in the Rishonim as to when someone should recite the bracha for the mitzvah of Sukkah?
Tosfos (“דף מה: “אחד) – Before one eats, drink, or sleeps in the sukkah
Rif & Rambam (הלכות סוכה פרק ו הלכה יב ) – Each time one enters the sukkah to remain for a while.
Rabbeinu Tam (רא”ש ס’ ג) – Minhag is to only make the bracha before eating inside the Sukkah
Halachik Conclusion:
How do we conclude in halacha as to when the bracha for the mitzvah of Sukkah should be said?
Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרל”ט סעיף ח who says the minhag is to make the bracha when you eat inside the Sukkah
If someone will sit inside a Sukkah but will not be eating or sleeping should he recite a bracha?
See רא”ש ברכות ס ‘יג starting from “כיוצא בה שאל ר”י until ומי שהשכים
Learn ט”ז ס’ תרלט ס”ק כ (last line)
and משנה ברורה ס”ק מח
Does someone who leaves in the middle of his meal inside of Sukkah to visit his friend need to make a new bracha when he sits in his friend’s sukkah?
Learn מגן אברהם ס’ תרלט ס”ק יז starting from “ומי שהולך (towards the end)
Learn משנה ברורה ס”ק מח starting from “ומי שהולך (in the middle)
See קובץ הלכות פרק טו סע’ יג
According to the Mishna Berura would he have to make a bracha if he is not eating in his friends sukkah?
Learn שער הציון אות צג
If one leaves his Sukkah to daven Mincha and returned right away does he have to make a new bracha on the Sukkah
See משנה ברורה ס”ק מז
See קובץ הלכות פרק טו סע’ טו-טז
Why is the bracha one recites on his own sukkah not effective for someone else’s sukkah?Learn שער הציון אות צד
Learn ערוך השולחן ס’ תרל”ט כח See הליכות שלמה פרק ט ס’ יב A
nd footnote כו
If someone is going to sleep inside his sukkah and will not be atig does he recite a bracha?
See משנה ברורה ס”ק מח
See הליכות שלמה פרק ט ס’ טז