Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Wednesday night shiur, Adar Sheini 11, Daf 48b (03/20/24)

Quickly review the “גמרא דף מח: “עלה בכבש (the two dots) until מערבו של מים (three lines from bottom of the Amud)

The rule in this Gemara is relevant in regards to the proper way to set up and light chanukah menorah and to shake daled minim. 


The Gemara says the kohen must make a circuit around the entire mizbeach based on the rule to always turn to the right. 

But after the first turn to the right the kohen will now be turning left to go around the perimeter of the mizbeach?

See לבוש ס’ תרע”ו סעיף ה


And ט”ז אורח חיים ס’ תרע”ו ס”ק ו for a chidush in how to light the chanukah candles based on the above question.


Learn the “גמרא דף מח: “אלא שהיו משחירין (third wide line) until מערבו של מים (three lines from bottom of the Amud)


What does it mean עירה של מים לתוך היין

Learn רמב״ם הלכות תמידין פרק י הלכה ז


Major Question on Rambam:

Why is this mixture valid for ניסוך היין when the Gemara rules that wine which is diluted is invalid?

Why is this mixture valid for ניסוך המים as this mixture should be considered wine and not water since in the times of the gemara a glass of wine was mixed with three times the amount of water?

See מנחת חינוך מצוה שכ אות ב starting from the words “ודברי הרמב”ם קשה להולמם” 


See עמק ברכה – ניסוך המים אות ג for two answers 

Continue learning the גמרא דף מח: “מערבה של מים until דף מט. ” אמר רבה בר בר חנה (third line from top of the Amud) 


Why doesn’t the salt make the mizbeach kosher?

Why didn’t they patch the mizbeach with material that would make the mizbeach kosher?

Learn תוספת דף מט. “שכל (until “וא”ת וליעבדו ע”י שמיר ) 

See ערוך לנר דף מח: “ורגמהו כל העם 
