Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Wednesday night shiur, Adar Rishon 20, Daf 48a (02/28/24)

Review the גמרא דף מח following the משנה “סוכת שבעה כיצד until the next Mishna.

The Gemara presents three options to remove the appearance of בל תוסיף to permit one to sit inside a Sukkah on Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah (the day after Sukkos)

1. Remove four tefachim of schach

2. Light a lantern 

3. Bring food utensils inside the Sukkah. 


How does removing four tefachim of schach remove the issue of נראה כבעל תוסיף?

See “רש”י “פוחת

And  “תוספת “פוחת who asks a question on Rashi 

Learn the ר”ן who answers Tosfos question on Rashi.   

How does lighting a lantern remove the issue of נראה כבעל תוסיף

Learn “גמרא דף כט. “אמר רבא (third line) until the two dots with Rashi and תוספת “מנא” & “ואמרי to explain why one is not permitted to bring these utensils inside the Sukkah

Note the difference between Rashi and Tosfos. 

Major Question on Tosfos:

How can we tell a person to light a lantern inside a minimum size Sukkah when it is a fire hazard?

Learn “ר”ן סוף פרק שני “שרגא


And רא”ש פרק שני ס’ יט


How does bringing certain utensils inside the Sukkah remove the issue of נראה כבעל תוסיף?

In Conclusion:

Does one need to disqualify the Sukkah to remove the issue of נראה כבעל תוסיף or is it suffice to do something that indicates that he is not sitting inside the Sukkah to perform the mitzvah of Sukkah?

Learn ריף on גמרא דף מח

Learn ר”ן, בעל המאור, מלחמת ה’ , השגת הראב”ד 


Why does the Mishna entertain the idea that one should take down his Sukkah specifically on the last day of Sukkos?

Learn רמב״ם הלכות סוכה פרק ו הלכה יד


Learn the שו”ת תשובות והנהגות חלק ב ס’ ד”ש (attached) from Hagaon Harav Moshe Shternbach shlita for a novel new explanation in the chidush of our mishna from Rav Chaim Soloveitchik.