Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fourth Perek, Monday night shiur, Adar Rishon 4, Daf 48a (02/12/24)

Sugya: שמחת יום טוב

Very quickly review משנה דף מח. “ההלל והשמחה and the Gemara until the next Mishna.

Review גמרא פסחים דף ע: “אמר ר’ אלעזר (four lines from bottom of the Amud) until דף עא. מתיב רב יוסף” 


And  תוספת דף עא. “לרבות” & “לילי יום טוב  


Clarify the machlokes between Rashbam Pesachim and Tosfos whether there is an obligation to have simcha on the daytime hours of the eighth day.


How do we reconcile the contradiction between Rashi in Sukkah and Rashbam in Pesachim?

Is there a separate mitzvah to eat the shalmei simcha each night and each day or one Mitzvah for the entire day?

Bring a proof 

Is there a mitzvah to bring a Korban of shalmei simcha even if one has meat or is the mitzvah to eat the shalmei simcha? 

Learn ערוך לנר סוכה דף מח. “מתניתן ההלל והשמחה 

Is the first night of Pesach the same as first night of Sukkos? 

See רשב”ם פסחים דף קח: “ידי יין & תוספת “ידי יין


See שאגת אריה ס’ סח
