How do we conclude lhalacha regarding אמן יתומה?
Learn שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ קכ”ד סע’ ח
What is the difference between the ruling of the Mechaber and the Rema?
According to the Mechaber, If someone already davened silent shemoneh esreh can he respond Amen to חזרת הש”ץ without knowing what bracha had just been said?
Learn the משנה ברורה
According to the first explanation of Tosfos, why is the issue of responding an אמן יתומה just in regards to a bracha one is obligated to recite?
See שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ קס”ז סע’ ט”ז
and שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ רי”ג סע’ ב ומשנה ברורה ס”ק י”ז
and שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ רי”ט סע’ ד-ה
See ח’ ר’ אריה לייב מאלין חלק א ס’ ה who gives an explanation based on some of the above sources )
Why is the punishment so severe for saying an אמן יתומה?
Learn גמרא דף נא: “במוצאי יו”ט (two dots seven lines from the bottom of the Amud) until דף נב. “האי הספידא
How does the fact that the Torah wants to keep men and women separated override the pasuk with the instruction not to alter the Beis Hamikdash from the blueprint of Dovid Hamelech?
Learn מהרש”א
See הערות מסכתא סוכה
What was the reason for the separation between men and women so they would not mingle together or that man would not see the women?
See רש”י דף נא: “קרא אשכחו (last line of the Amud)
See פ’ משניות לרמב”ם פרק ה משנה ב
What is the reason a shul has to have a mechitza?
See אגרות משה או”ח חלק א ס’ לט & מא
Does the בימה of a shul need to be specifically in the center?
Learn רמב״ם הלכות תפלה פרק י”א הלכה ג
And the כסף משנה
Learn שו”ת חת”ס או”ח ס’ כ”ח
See אגרות משה או”ח חלק א ס’ מב
According to the explanation that the Navi is discussing the death of the yetzer harah.
How does the Gemara answer it’s question as to why people are eulogizing the yetzer harah?
Learn מהרש”א
Why would it be necessary to separate men and women at the Hesped for the yetzer harah. There should be no possibility of sin now that the yetzer harah is gone?
See עלי שור