Learn the :גמרא דף נא from after the Mishnah until the two dots
- If the Jews living in mitzrayim were in violation of the לא תעשה prohibiting one to live in Mitzrayim why does the gemara attribute their settlement as the paradigm example of the honor of klal yisrael?
- Why didn’t the gemara know in the question that they were in violation of the לא תעשה not to return to Mitzrayim?
- Why were the Jews living in Mitzrayim punished so harshly for living in Mitzrayim which is just a לא תעשה – culpable at most with lashes and not death?
- Were the people who were born and raised in Egypt in violation of the לא תעשה as they never actually moved to egypt?
- Learn “ערוך לנר “סטיו כפול who answers many of the above questions
- How was the Rambam permitted to live in Mitzrayim?
- Learn רמב”ם ה’ מלכים פרק ה הלכה ז-ח and the רדב”ז (on side of the Rambam) who answers this question.
Learn “תוס’ דף נב. “וכיון
Clarify the two answers of Tosfos as to why the response of Amen based on the signal of the flag was not considered an אמן יתומה
Does the opinion of Rav Tzadok Hakohen that Tosfos quotes agree with the first explanation of tosfos or the second answer of Tosfos?
Learn גמרא ברכות דף מז. “אמן יתומה with Rashi and Tosfos who asks the same question of Tosfos in Sukkah and only brings the second the answer of Tosfos.
- Why is the punishment so severe for saying an אמן יתומה? See רבינו יונה ברכות מז for his explanation on אמן יתומה https://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=14308&st=&pgnum=534&hilite=
- According to the first answer of Tosfos, why is the issue of responding an אמן יתומה just in regards to a bracha one is obligated to recite? See ח’ ר’ אריה לייב מאלין חלק א ס’ ה· https://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=51220&st=&pgnum=24
- According to the second answer of Tosfos is it permitted to respond Amen to a bracha that one is obligated to recite when he did not hear the bracha but knows exactly which bracha had just been said?
- List the נפקא מינה between the two answers of Tosfos.
Learn טור אורח חיים ס’ קכ”ד סע’ ח
Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ קכ”ד
What is the difference between the ruling of the Mechaber and the Rema?
See the Mishna Berura
Extra –
Learn “תוס’ דף נא. “שעליהן
Learn “תוסי דף נא: “קרא
Review רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ח הלכה יב-טו
Who lists the details discussed in the mishnah.
Note the differences between the Rambam and the Mishnah
How could the Ramabm say the setting up of the bleachers for women occurred on Erev Sukkos when the mishnah says it was done the night after the first day of Sukkos?
Why does the Ramabm not specify that the musical instruments were played by the Leviim?
Why does the Rambam not list the Chalil as one of the instruments?
Why does the Rambam not mention the blasting of the shofar as the water drawer exited the Beis hamikdash?
See ערוך לנר who addresses many of the differences.
Why does the Rambam conclude with a whole explanation as to what Simcha is?