Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Wednesday night shiur, Av 4, Daf 52b (08/07/24)

Learn “גמרא דף נב: “אמר רב שמואל בר נחמני (twelve lines from top of the Amud) until “ארבעה חרשים” (middle of the wide line)


Why does the pasuk refer to the fact that yetzer harah testifies against a person in a hidden gematria form? 

What kind of parable is the different manifestation of the yetzer harah as stranger, guest, and master? 

See בן יהוידע



How do we explain that Hashem regrets as Hashem is perfect and does not make mistakes?

First place it mentions that Hashem has regret – וינחם is בראשית פרק ו פסוק ו

See Rav Shamshon Rafael Hirsch on the above pasuk who explains the difference between the regret of Hashem and the regret of man.

But we still need an explanation of the regret for the four areas listed in our gemara?

Learn ערוך לנר


and בן יהוידע

https://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=14473&st=&pgnum=169Why specifically these four areas? 

Learn מהרש”א


See מהר”ל תפארת ישראל פרק יג pg. רט הערה 67 (in Rabbi Hartman explanation) 

See מהר”ל נתיבות עולם – נתיב כח היצר פרק ד ” היצה”ר שברא 


Continue learning “גמרא דף נב: “ארבעה חרשים” (middle of the wide line) until the two dots.

The Gemara lists four חרשים

Why are these four great tzaddikim referred to as חרשים?

Why specifically these four?

Learn ערוך לנר


The Gemara lists seven רועים

Why are these seven great tzaddikim referred to as  רועים?

Why specifically these seven?

Learn בן יהוידע

https://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=14473&st=&pgnum=169Why specifically these four areas? 

The Gemara lists eight נסיכים

Why are these eight great tzaddikim referred to as נסיכים?

Why specifically these eight?

Learn שם משמואל, חנוכה, שנת תרפ”ג עמ’ רסא-ב