Learn גמרא דף נו. “בעצרת אומר לו הילך (two dots – seven lines from top of the Amud) until the two dots before the Mishna
Learn רא”ש פרק ד סימן ד who brings rishinom who rule that on the second night of Sukkos (in chutz laaretz) we switch the order and first day shechiyanu and then make bracha leishev basukkah
Clarify the argument why the order should or should not be switched
If someone recited shechiyanu when he constructed his sukkah what should the order of the brachos be when he sits in his sukkah on the first night of sukkos?
When the gemara concludes the order is leishev and then shechiyanu why does the gemara not simply say the halacha is like Rav?
See תוס’ מו. “נכנס
Learn קרבן נתנאל אות צ
How do we conclude lhalacha?
Learn שולחן ערוך אורח חיים ס’ תרמ”ג and ס’ תרס”א with the משנה ברורה