Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night shiur, Tamuz 24, Daf 52a (07/29/24)

From last week 

Quickly review גמרא דף נא: “במוצאי יו”ט (two dots seven lines from the bottom of the Amud) until דף נב. “האי הספידא 


How does the fact that the Torah wants to keep men and women separated override the pasuk with the instruction not to alter the Beis Hamikdash from the blueprint of Dovid Hamelech?

Learn מהרש”א


See הערות מסכת סוכה 

What was the reason for the separation between men and women?

Was it A) to prevent them from mingling or B) prevent men from seeing the women?

See רש”י דף נא: “קרא אשכחו (last line of the Amud)

See פ’ המשניות לרמב”ם פרק ה משנה ב


What is the reason a shul has to have a mechitza?

See אגרות משה או”ח חלק א ס’ לט & מא



Learn גמרא דף נב. “האי הספידא until “תנו רבנן משיח בן דוד” (middle of the Amud) 


According to the explanation that the Navi is discussing the death of the yetzer harah. 

How does the Gemara answer its question as to why people are eulogizing the yetzer harah?

Learn מהרש”א 

Why would it be necessary to separate men and women at the Hesped for the yetzer harah. There should be no possibility of sin now that the yetzer harah is gone?

See עלי שור

Why are the tzadikim crying? 

Learn מהרש”א and ערוך לנר


How is it possible for the yetzer harah to be different for tzadikim than the reshaim? 

It seems to be counter intuitive that the tzadikim had a larger challenge then the wicked who fell trap to the yetzer harah?

Learn מהרש”א  and ערוך לנר 

What is the concept the gemara is teaching us with the comparison of the yetzer harah to a mountain and to a strand of hair?

Learn מדרגות האדם מאמר תיקון המידות  (page 37 in new print)

See שיחות מוסר מאמר צא page 390