Learn the גמרא דף נו: “והני תרתי until אע”פ (seven lines before end of mesachta)
Why does the Gemara question fining the father for the actions of his daughter. The pasuk says a naarah murasah that has zenus is stoned by the door of her father’s house?
What’s the halacha implication to a kohen whose daughter commits adultery or adopts a different religion?
See מהרש”א and רש”ש
See שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ קכח סע’ מא and מגן אברהם ס”ק סב
Why did Bilga kick the Mizbeach?
Why did Bilga refer to the Mizbeach as a wolf?
Why does the Gemara end with the benefit of living next to a tzadik when the family the Gemara discusses were not tzadikim?