Halachik Conclusions of הלכות חזרה:
Is the requirement of דעתו להחזיר to have specific intent to return or as long as do not have specific intent not to return.
What is the halacha if a pot slides off the blech on to the counter top, may it be returned to the blech?
If the electricity or fire goes out is it permitted to move the pot to a different fire?
Review ה’ רע”א ס’ רנ”ג אות ו
What is the reason if someone removes your pot from the fire on Shabbos and places it on the ground it is prohibited to return it to the stovetop?
According to Rebbe Akiva Eiger what is the machlokes between Tosfos and the Rash whether it is permitted to return a pot to the stovetop that was removes from the fire without permission of the owner without intent to return it to the fire but it is still in his hand?
Learn אבי עזרי ה’ שבת פרק ג הלכה י who asks a question on Rebbe Akiva Eiger
Based on Rebbe Akiva Eiger what should be the halacha in the case a pot slides off the stovetop?
What is the point of disagreement between Rav Shach (אבי עזרי) and Rebbe Akiva Eiger?
See letter in back of ספר אורחת שבת ח”א from Hagaon Rav Shmuel Aurbach zt”l for an answer to the question of Rav Shach.