Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Shabbos: Perek Kirah יום שלישי Tishrei 27 Daf 38a-38b (10/29/24)

Very quickly review the גמרא דף לח. “איבעיא להו (twelve lines from bottom of the Amud) until “ב”ה אומרין (two dots – bottom of the Amud)


The Gemara above discussed the halacha if someone violates the prohibition of שהייה. What is the Gemara question now עבר ושהה מאי?

Learn תוס’ “עבר

Why doesn’t Tosfos explain the question of the Gemara also according to חנניא when the food is cooked less than מאכל בן דרוסאי like Tosfos did above תוס’ לח. “שכח

See מהרש”א for an explanation 


Why does Rashi explain the question of the Gemara different than Tosfos? 

Learn רשב”א “הא דאיבעיא
