Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום שני Adar Sheini 8, Daf 23b-24a (03/18/24)

List the five different תנאים of the משנה דף כג and clearly explain the difference between each opinion.

Learn תוס’ דף כג. “ובלבד starting from “ומה שפ’ רש”י (first wide line) until the end of Tosfos


What is the difference between Rashi and Tosfos explanation of ר’ יהודה בן בבא 

Learn ריטב”א דף כג. “ובלבד


Clarify the difference between Tosfos and the Ritva 

Learn גמרא דף כג: “קרפף” (ten lines from bottom of the Amud) until the bottom of the Amud until גמרא דף כד. “אלא אי איתמר (second line from top of the Amud)