Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום רביעי Tamuz 18, Daf 26a-26b (07/24/24)

Introduction to next Gemara  – Learn משנה דף סט עמוד ב

Learn “גמרא דף כו. “וכן שמעתי (two dots – four lines from bottom of the Amud) until “כמאן אזלא

The Mishna teaches us that if a Jew did not participate in the Eruv Chatzeros he can be מבטל- relinquish his rights in the Chatzer and thereby permit everyone to carry from their homes to the chatzer.

Is it permissible for them to carry items from the מבטל house to the courtyard?

Is it permissible for the מבטל to;

Carry items from his own house to the courtyard?

Carry items from their homes to the courtyard?

Learn רש”י 

Learn רבינו יהונתן who gives a different explanation than Rashi


What’s a נפקא מינה between Rashi and the  רבינו יהונתן?

Learn  ריטב”א who brings a third explanation from the ראב”ד
