Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום שני Av 6, Daf 12b (07/24/23)

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Last point from last week 

Conclusion of Sugya: Amount of walls needed to create a Reshus Hayachid

Major Question on ר”ח and Rambam:

In the answer of the Gemara having three walls and a lechi is considered a Reshus Hayachid.  But according to Rava לחי is a היכר why is this Mavui considered a Reshus Hayachid?

Why does ר”ח say the tikun on the third side is a door? Why not a Tzuras hapesach?

See דברי יחזקאל ס’ ה אות יב



Sugya: תיקוני חצר

Learn the the “גמרא דף יב: ” אמר רב יהודה אמר רב מבוי (2/3 down the Amud) until the bottom of the Amud

Learn תוס’ “להוי


Why does a Chatzer require a different and more stringent תיקון than a Mavui to permit one to carry inside the Chatzer?

Learn תוס’ “ובתים focus on the answer of Tosfos (last line) 

Learn שו”ת רשב”א חלק ה ס’ רג


Is the reason the Rashba presents different from Tosfos? 

In conclusion:

What Tikun is required for a Chatzer?

Learn שו”ע ס’ שס”ג סע’ ב



Practically what Tikun do we use for a Mavui? Why?

Learn שו”ע ס’ שס”ג סעיף כו starting from “אין מבוי ניתר”

