Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום רביעי Tishrei 12, Daf 17a (09/27/23)

Learn the גמרא דף יז. “אמר רב גידל (second line from top of the Amud) until איתמר (eleven lines from the top of the Amud)


Is the qualification “ובלבד שלא יהא בית סאתיים פנוי” only for the opinion of the חכמים or even according to ר’ יוסי ברבי יהודה ?

Learn ריטב”א דף טז: “שלשה נעשו שיירא


Would four people receive an area of eight סאה?

Learn ריטב”א דף יז. “ופרכינן ואלא

(same link) 

According to the conclusion of the Gemara that a group of three can enclose a large area as much as they need as long as there is not an extra 2 סאה of unneeded space.  

What is the halacha of a group of three enclosed 6 סאה but only needs 4?

Learn בית יוסף ס’ ש”ס, א “”ומ”ש ובלבד שלא יקיפו and the ב”ח


See ט”ז ס”ק ב


Halachik Conclusion:

Learn שולחן ארוך ס’ ש”ס סע’ א and משנה ברורה 



Continue learning the Gemara until the Mishna