Quickly review “תוס’ דף לו: “לא
Rashi sources the איסור שהייה to הטמנה בדבר המוסיף הבל which the Gemara explains is prohibited because we are considered שמא יחתה. Tosfos argues on Rashi and says the prohibition is because שמא יחתה. How is Tosfos’ explanation different from Rashi?
According to Tosfos how does raking out the coals or placing ashes on the גפת ועצים permit one to place cooked food on the Kirah?
Learn “ר”ן “או עד שיתן האפר
List two differences between Rashi and Tosfos/ Ran in regards to הטמנה and two possible differences in regards to שהייה
According to Tosfos why is הטמנה more stringent than שהייה?
Learn “תוס’ מז: “במה
Learn ב”ח ס’ רנ”ג ס”ק י for a new explanation in Rashi
Bring a proof from Rashi דף לד: “גזירה against this explanation
Review the גמרא דף לו עמוד ב until דף לז. “ת”ש” (Eleven lines from top of the Amud)