Category: Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim’s shiurim

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night shiur, Tamuz 24, Daf 52a (07/29/24)

From last week 

Quickly review גמרא דף נא: “במוצאי יו”ט (two dots seven lines from the bottom of the Amud) until דף נב. “האי הספידא 


How does the fact that the Torah wants to keep men and women separated override the pasuk with the instruction not to alter the Beis Hamikdash from the blueprint of Dovid Hamelech?

Learn מהרש”א

See הערות מסכת סוכה 

What was the reason for the separation between men and women?

Was it A) to prevent them from mingling or B) prevent men from seeing the women?

See רש”י דף נא: “קרא אשכחו (last line of the Amud)

See פ’ המשניות לרמב”ם פרק ה משנה ב

What is the reason a shul has to have a mechitza?

See אגרות משה או”ח חלק א ס’ לט & מא

Learn גמרא דף נב. “האי הספידא until “תנו רבנן משיח בן דוד” (middle of the Amud) 


According to the explanation that the Navi is discussing the death of the yetzer harah. 

How does the Gemara answer its question as to why people are eulogizing the yetzer harah?

Learn מהרש”א 

Why would it be necessary to separate men and women at the Hesped for the yetzer harah. There should be no possibility of sin now that the yetzer harah is gone?

See עלי שור

Why are the tzadikim crying? 

Learn מהרש”א and ערוך לנר

How is it possible for the yetzer harah to be different for tzadikim than the reshaim? 

It seems to be counter intuitive that the tzadikim had a larger challenge then the wicked who fell trap to the yetzer harah?

Learn מהרש”א  and ערוך לנר 

What is the concept the gemara is teaching us with the comparison of the yetzer harah to a mountain and to a strand of hair?

Learn מדרגות האדם מאמר תיקון המידות  (page 37 in new print)

See שיחות מוסר מאמר צא page 390

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום שני Tamuz 23, Daf 26b (07/29/24)

Review “גמרא דף כו: “כשתימצי לומר (top of the Amud) until “כמאן אזלא” (ten lines from top of Amud) 


What is the point of dispute between ר”א and the רבנן in regards to being מבטל ones home, and whether one needs to specify that he is being מבטל to each individual?

According to the Rabanan – 

If the person who did not participate in the Eruv was מבטל to only one of the residents of the Chatzer and then the residents made an Eruv together. Would all the residents be permitted to carry from their homes to the courtyard? 

Bring a proof from רש”י כו: “לא נצרכה

Learn ביאור הלכה ס’ ש”פ סע’ א “צריך

According to the Rabanan – 

If the מבטל says “my רשות” instead of “my chatzer” is בטל to you, will the house be included in the ביטול?

If the מבטל says “לכולכם” – to all of you. Is that sufficient to be considered he was מבטל to each resident personally?

Can the מבטל renege his ביטול? 

How can the residents lock in the ביטול? 

How do we conclude l’halacha?

Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ ש”פ סע’ א and the משנה ברורה

(also see ס’ שפ”א סע’ א)

In case where the person is only מבטל his rights in the courtyard. The מבטל is permitted to carry items from the other residents houses to the courtyard. However he is not allowed to carry items from his own house to the courtyard.


Learn רש”י 

Learn רבינו יהונתן who gives a different explanation than Rashi

If the other residents of the courtyard made a Chazaka after the person was מבטל his rights in the courtyard. May he now carry from his house into the courtyard?

Learn ריטב”א

Learn רשב”א who brings a different reason from the ראב”ד why the מבטל is not allowed to carry items from his own house to the courtyard.

How do we conclude l’halacha?

Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ ש”פ סע’ א and the משנה ברורה

In case where the person is also מבטל his rights in his house in addition to the courtyard. Is the מבטל permitted to carry items from his own house to the courtyard? Why or why not?

Does it matter if the other residents made a chazaka in the courtyard?

Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ ש”פ סע’ ב and the משנה ברורה

Can the מבטל carry items from the other residents homes to the courtyard before they made a chazaka in the courtyard?

See ביאור הלכה “וגם

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום חמישי Tamuz 19, Daf 26a-26b (07/25/24)

Very quickly review “גמרא דף כו. “וכן שמעתי (two dots – four lines from bottom of the Amud) until “כמאן אזלא

The Mishna teaches us that if a Jew did not participate in the Eruv Chatzeros he can be מבטל- relinquish his rights in the Chatzer and thereby permit everyone to carry from their homes to the chatzer.

In case where the person is only מבטל his rights in the courtyard. The מבטל is permitted to carry items from the other residents houses to the courtyard. However he is not allowed to carry items from his own house to the courtyard.


Learn רש”י 

Learn רבינו יהונתן who gives a different explanation than Rashi

If the other residents of the courtyard made a Chazaka after the person was מבטל his rights in the courtyard. May he now carry from his house into the courtyard?

Learn ריטב”א

Learn רשב”א who brings a different reason from the ראב”ד why the מבטל is not allowed to carry items from his own house to the courtyard.

How do we conclude l’halacha?

Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ ש”פ סע’ א and the משנה ברורה

In case where the person is also מבטל his rights in his house in addition to the courtyard. Is the מבטל permitted to carry items from his own house to the courtyard? Why or why not?

Does it matter if the other residents made a chazaka in the courtyard?

Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ ש”פ סע’ ב and the משנה ברורה

Can the מבטל carry items from the other residents homes to the courtyard before they made a chazaka in the courtyard?

See ביאור הלכה “וגם

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Wednesday night shiur, Tamuz 19, Daf 51b-52a (07/24/24)

How do we conclude lhalacha regarding אמן יתומה?

Learn שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ קכ”ד סע’ ח


What is the difference between the ruling of the Mechaber and the Rema?

According to the Mechaber, If someone already davened silent shemoneh esreh can he respond Amen to חזרת הש”ץ without knowing what bracha had just been said?

Learn the משנה ברורה 


According to the first explanation of Tosfos, why is the issue of responding an אמן יתומה just in regards to a bracha one is obligated to recite? 

See שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ קס”ז סע’ ט”ז

and שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ רי”ג סע’ ב ומשנה ברורה ס”ק י”ז

and שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ רי”ט סע’ ד-ה

See ח’ ר’ אריה לייב מאלין חלק א ס’ ה who gives an explanation based on some of the above sources )


Why is the punishment so severe for saying an אמן יתומה?

Learn גמרא דף נא: “במוצאי יו”ט (two dots seven lines from the bottom of the Amud) until דף נב. “האי הספידא 


How does the fact that the Torah wants to keep men and women separated override the pasuk with the instruction not to alter the Beis Hamikdash from the blueprint of Dovid Hamelech?

Learn מהרש”א

See הערות מסכתא סוכה 

What was the reason for the separation between men and women so they would not mingle together or that man would not see the women?

See רש”י דף נא: “קרא אשכחו (last line of the Amud)

See פ’ משניות לרמב”ם פרק ה משנה ב

What is the reason a shul has to have a mechitza?

See אגרות משה או”ח חלק א ס’ לט & מא

Does the בימה of a shul need to be specifically in the center? 

Learn רמב״ם הלכות תפלה פרק י”א הלכה ג

And the כסף משנה 

Learn שו”ת חת”ס או”ח ס’ כ”ח

See אגרות משה או”ח חלק א ס’ מב

According to the explanation that the Navi is discussing the death of the yetzer harah. 

How does the Gemara answer it’s question as to why people are eulogizing the yetzer harah?

Learn מהרש”א 

Why would it be necessary to separate men and women at the Hesped for the yetzer harah. There should be no possibility of sin now that the yetzer harah is gone?

See עלי שור

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום רביעי Tamuz 18, Daf 26a-26b (07/24/24)

Introduction to next Gemara  – Learn משנה דף סט עמוד ב

Learn “גמרא דף כו. “וכן שמעתי (two dots – four lines from bottom of the Amud) until “כמאן אזלא

The Mishna teaches us that if a Jew did not participate in the Eruv Chatzeros he can be מבטל- relinquish his rights in the Chatzer and thereby permit everyone to carry from their homes to the chatzer.

Is it permissible for them to carry items from the מבטל house to the courtyard?

Is it permissible for the מבטל to;

Carry items from his own house to the courtyard?

Carry items from their homes to the courtyard?

Learn רש”י 

Learn רבינו יהונתן who gives a different explanation than Rashi

What’s a נפקא מינה between Rashi and the  רבינו יהונתן?

Learn  ריטב”א who brings a third explanation from the ראב”ד

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night shiur, Tamuz 17, Daf 51b (07/22/24)


How was the Rambam permitted to live in Mitzrayim?

Learn רמב”ם ה’ מלכים פרק ה הלכה ז-ח and the רדב”ז (on side of the Rambam) who answers this question.

Quickly review the :גמרא דף נא just the lines discussing the waving of the flag in the shul to respond Amen 

Learn גמרא ברכות דף מז. “ת”ר אין עונין … אמן יתומה (two dots in the middle of the Amud) with Rashi and Tosfos

Learn “תוס’ דף נב. “וכיון

Clarify the two answers of Tosfos as to why the response of Amen based on the signal of the flag was not considered an אמן יתומה


Does the opinion of Rav Tzadok Hakohen that Tosfos quotes agree with the first explanation of tosfos or the second answer of Tosfos? 

See רבינו יונה ברכות מז for his explanation on אמן יתומה


  • Why is the punishment so severe for saying an אמן יתומה?
  • According to the first answer of Tosfos, why is the issue of responding an אמן יתומה just in regards to a bracha one is obligated to recite? See ח’ ר’ אריה לייב מאלין חלק א ס’ ה
  • According to the first answer of Tosfos, If you daven shemoneh esreh by yourself can you respond Amen to חזרת הש”ץ without knowing what bracha had just been said?
  • According to the second answer of Tosfos is it permitted to respond Amen to a bracha that one is obligated to recite when he did not hear the bracha but knows exactly which bracha had just been said?
    • List the נפקא מינה between the two answers of Tosfos. 

Learn טור אורח חיים ס’ קכ”ד סע’ ח

Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ קכ”ד סע’ ח

What is the difference between the ruling of the Mechaber and the Rema?

See the Mishna Berura

See שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ קס”ז סע’ ט”ז

and שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ רי”ג סע’ ב ומשנה ברורה ס”ק י”ז

and שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ רי”ט סע’ ד-ה

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום שני Tamuz 16 Daf 26a (07/22/24)

Review משנה דף כג

Review משנה דף כג

Learn the גמרא דף כו.”א”ר אלעאי שמעתי מר”א” (two dots – middle of the Amud) until “וכן שמעתי (two dots – four lines from bottom of the Amud)


Who is ר”א arguing on?

Learn ריטב”א “א”ר אלעאי

What does it mean our Mishna is not like חנניה?

Learn ריטב”א “מתניתן & ושניהם for two explanations

The Gemara concludes that one should not set up a Yeshiva at the entrance of a sick person for the reason דילמא אתי לאיגרויי ביה השטן


Who will the Satan start up with?

See רש”י “שטן

Why did Chizkayahu set up the Yeshiva by the backdoor of Chizkiyahu palace and not by the front door?

Since the Gemara concludes it is not a good idea to place a Yeshiva at the entrance of a sick person; Why did Yeshaya set one up at the entrance of Chizkiyahu palace?

Learn ריטב”א “ולא היא

Learn מהרש”א who gives a different explanation

Learn הגהות ראמ”ה (in back of the Gemara)

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום חמישי Tamuz 12 Daf 26a (07/18/24)

Learn the גמרא דף כו.”דהא רבה בר אבוה” until the two dots 


What the picture is of the case of פירא דבי תורא?

Why did רבה בר אבוה only make an Eruv around each street and not for the entire city?

Learn רש”י 

Learn תוס’ “דבי תורא

How is the picture of Tosfos of the case of פירא דבי תורא different than Rashi? 

Learn ריטב”א who explains Rashi and Tosfos

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Wednesday night shiur, Tamuz 12, Daf 51b (07/17/24)

Learn the :גמרא דף נא from after the Mishnah until the two dots


  • If the Jews living in mitzrayim were in violation of the לא תעשה prohibiting one to live in Mitzrayim why does the gemara attribute their settlement as the paradigm example of the honor of klal yisrael? 
  • Why didn’t the gemara know in the question that they were in violation of the  לא תעשה not to return to Mitzrayim?
  • Why were the Jews living in Mitzrayim punished so harshly for living in Mitzrayim which is just a  לא תעשה – culpable at most with lashes and not death? 
  • Were the people who were born and raised in Egypt in violation of the  לא תעשה as they never actually moved to egypt?
  • How was the Rambam permitted to live in Mitzrayim?

Learn “תוס’ דף נב. “וכיון

Clarify the two answers of Tosfos as to why the response of Amen based on the signal of the flag was not considered an אמן יתומה


Does the opinion of Rav Tzadok Hakohen that Tosfos quotes agree with the first explanation of tosfos or the second answer of Tosfos? 

Learn גמרא ברכות דף מז. “אמן יתומה with Rashi and Tosfos who asks the same question of Tosfos in Sukkah and only brings the second the answer of Tosfos.


  • Why is the punishment so severe for saying an אמן יתומה? See רבינו יונה ברכות מז for his explanation on אמן יתומה
  • According to the first answer of Tosfos, why is the issue of responding an אמן יתומה just in regards to a bracha one is obligated to recite? See ח’ ר’ אריה לייב מאלין חלק א ס’ ה·
  • According to the second answer of Tosfos is it permitted to respond Amen to a bracha that one is obligated to recite when he did not hear the bracha but knows exactly which bracha had just been said?
    • List the נפקא מינה between the two answers of Tosfos. 

Learn טור אורח חיים ס’ קכ”ד סע’ ח

Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ קכ”ד

What is the difference between the ruling of the Mechaber and the Rema?

See the Mishna Berura

Extra – 

Learn “תוס’ דף נא. “שעליהן

Learn “תוסי דף נא: “קרא

Review רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ח הלכה יב-טו

Who lists the details discussed in the mishnah.

Note the differences between the Rambam and the Mishnah 


How could the Ramabm say the setting up of the bleachers for women occurred on Erev Sukkos when the mishnah says it was done the night after the first day of Sukkos?

Why does the Ramabm not specify that the musical instruments were played by the Leviim?

Why does the Rambam not list the Chalil as one of the instruments?

Why does the Rambam not mention the blasting of the shofar as the water drawer exited the Beis hamikdash?

See ערוך לנר  who addresses many of the differences.

Why does the Rambam conclude with a whole explanation as to what Simcha is?

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום רביעי Tamuz 11, Daf 26a (07/17/24)

Quickly review the “גמרא דף כו.”איתיביה רבינא until “דהא רבה בר אבוה” – focus on the understanding of the three questions that were asked to רבא

If the fencing was built around the area with the intent to build housing inside is that considered הוקף לדירה ?

Learn “ריטב”א דף כה: “אתא רבא (starting from the words איתיביה רבינא)

Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק טז הלכה ה & מגיד משנה

What are מחיצות העשוי הצניעות?

Why are these mechitzos not valid?

See “רש”י דף כו.”כיון דלצניעותא

What are מחיצות העשוי לנחת?

Why are מחיצות העשוי לנחת not considered mechitzas? 

See “רש”י דף כו.”לנחת 

Why would this be a reason to disqualify it from being a Mechitza. Aren’t most mechitzas made to store items inside of them?

See תורת חיים

In regards to what Halachos are they not considered mechitzos?

Learn רא”ש ס’ ו

Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק טז הלכה טו

Note the wording of the Rambam when he mentions מחיצות העשוי לנחת

See ה’ הראב”ד on side of the Rambam

What is implied by the difference in the wording of the Rambam?

Learn  מגיד משנה

(See מהרש”א על תוס’ ההוא אוונקרא & הגהות והערות on מהרש”א )

Continue learning the גמרא דף כו.”דהא רבה בר אבוה” until the two dots 


What the picture is of the case of פירא דבי תורא?

Why did רבה בר אבוה only make an Eruv around each street and not for the entire city?

Learn רש”י 

Learn תוס’ “דבי תורא

How is the picture of Tosfos of the case of פירא דבי תורא different than Rashi? 

Learn ריטב”א 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום שני Tamuz 9, Daf 25b-26a (07/16/24)


According to תוס and the תשובות הגאונים –

Did the posts permit carrying just in the אוונקרא or the entire orchard?

See הגהות תוס’ ישנים on side of תוס

See ריטב”א דף כה: “א”ל ריש גלותא

Review the “גמרא דף כו.”איתיביה רבינא until “דהא רבה בר אבוה” – focus on the understanding of the three questions that were asked to רבא

If the fencing was built around the area with the intent to build housing inside is that considered הוקף לדירה ?

Learn “ריטב”א דף כה: “אתא רבא (starting from the words איתיביה רבינא)

Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק טז הלכה ה & מגיד משנה

What are מחיצות העשוי הצניעות?

Why are these mechitzos not valid?

See “רש”י דף כו.”כיון דלצניעותא

What are מחיצות העשוי לנחת?

Why are מחיצות העשוי לנחת not considered mechitzas? 

See “רש”י דף כו.”לנחת 

Why would this be a reason to disqualify it from being a Mechitza. Aren’t most mechitzas made to store items inside of them?

See תורת חיים

In regards to what Halachos are they not considered mechitzos?

Learn רא”ש ס’ ו

Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק טז הלכה טו

Note the wording of the Rambam when he mentions מחיצות העשוי לנחת

See ה’ הראב”ד on side of the Rambam

What is implied by the difference in the wording of the Rambam?

Learn  מגיד משנה

(See מהרש”א על תוס’ ההוא אוונקרא & הגהות והערות on מהרש”א )

Continue learning the גמרא דף כו.”דהא רבה בר אבוה” until the two dots 


What the picture is of the case of פירא דבי תורא?

Why did רבה בר אבוה only make an Eruv around each street and not for the entire city?

Learn רש”י 

Learn תוס’ “דבי תורא

Learn ריטב”א 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek – Monday night shiur, Tamuz 10, Daf 51a-51b (07/15/24)

Learn the .משנה דף נא

Learn “תוס’ דף נא. “מבלאי

Learn תוספת יום טוב who asks why didn’t Tosfos also ask from the מצנפת?

See כסף משנה הלכות כלי המקדש פרק ח הלכה ו

Learn “גמרא שבת דף כא. “תניא רמי בר חמא (fifth wide line) until “אמר רב הונא” (two dots) which discusses wicks made from wool may not be used on Shabbos nor in the Beis Hamikdash and asks how could they use the worn out belts of the kohanim as wicks for the Simchas Beis Hashoava as they contained wool.

See Rashi explanation for the gemara answer 

How was it permitted to use the worn out clothing of the kohanim as wicks for the Simchas Beis Hashoava, it should be prohibited because of מעילה – deriving benefit from הקדש?

Learn the second half of “תוס’ שבת דף כא. “שמחת בית השואבה

Learn “תוס’ דף נא. “שעליהן

Learn “תוסי דף נא: “קרא

Learn רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ח הלכה יב-יד 

Who lists the details discussed in the mishnah.

Note the differences between the Rambam and the Mishnah 

See ערוך לנר  who addresses many of the differences.

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום שני Tamuz 9, Daf 25b-26a (07/15/24)

Review  תוס’ דף כה: “ההוא אבוורנקא  


According to תוס and the תשובות הגאונים

Did the posts permit carrying just in the אוונקרא or the entire orchard?

See הגהות תוס’ ישנים on תוס

See ריטב”א דף כה: “א”ל ריש גלותא

Why did רבא remove the posts? 

Review the “גמרא דף כו. ” איתביה רבינא until  the two dots – focus on the understanding of the three questions that were asked to רבא

If the fencing was built around the area with the intent to build housing inside is that considered הוקף לדירה ?

Learn  ריטב”א דף כה: “אתא רבא (starting from the words איתביה רבינא) 

Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק טז הלכה ה & מגיד משנה

What are מחיצות העשוי הצניעות?

Why are these mechitzos not valid?

What are מחיצות העשוי לנחת?

Why are מחיצות העשוי לנחת not considered mechitzos? Aren’t most mechitzos made to store items inside of them?

See תורת חיים (attached)

In regards to what Halachos are they not considered mechitzos?

Learn רא”ש ס’ ו

Learn רמב”ם  ה’ שבת פרק טז הלכה טו & מגיד משנה

(See מהרש”א על תוס’ ההוא אוונקרא & הגהות והערות on מהרש”א )

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום חמישי Tamuz 5, Daf 25b-26a (07/11/24)

Very quickly review the “גמרא דף כה: ” ההיא אבוורנקא (four lines from bottom of the amud) until דף כו (two dots) – (do not focus today on the understanding of the three questions that were asked to רבא)

Focus on “רש”י דף כו. “להרע who presents an entirely new explanation in the Gemara from the תשובות הגאונים

Learn  תוס’ “ההוא אבוורנקא  

What are the differences between how Rashi and the תשובות הגאונים explain 

1. Where it was prohibited to carry and why?

2. Where did רב הונא בר חיננא install the posts?

3. How did it permit carrying?

4. Why did רבא remove the posts? 

5. Does רב פפא & רב הונא בריה דרב יהושע agree with רבא or argue with him?

6. What did the ריש גלותא mean when he said וחכמים המה להרע ולהיטיב לא ידעו

Why does Rashi favor the explanation of the תשובות הגאונים more than the explanation that he gave?

See תוס’ ר’ פרץ (towards the end)(attached)

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek, – Wednesday night shiur, Tamuz 5, Daf 51a-51b (07/10/24)

Conclusion of Sugya: שיר של שמחת בית השואבה 

Learn רש”י דף נ: “דברי הכל שמחה יתירה 

And רש”י  דף נא. “הכי גרסינן 


What is the reason why playing musical instruments is permitted? Is it because the mitzvah of Simcha for the Nisuch Hamayim is only drabanan or because it’s not part of the Avodah? 

Learn חידושי גרי”ז סוכה דף נ (attached in the email (it’s the last page in the Sefer)

Learn the entire .משנה דף נא

Learn “תוס’ דף נא. “מבלאי

Learn תוספת יום טוב who asks why didn’t Tosfos also ask from the מצנפת?

Learn “גמרא שבת דף כא. “תניא רמי בר חמא (fifth wide line) until “אמר רב הונא” (two dots) which discusses wicks made from wool may not be used on Shabbos nor in the Beis Hamikdash and asks how could they use the worn out belts of the kohanim as wicks for the Simchas Beis Hashoeva as they contained wool.

See Rashi explanation for the gemara answer 

How was it permitted to use the worn out clothing of the kohanim as wicks for the Simchas Beis Hashoeva, it should be prohibited because of מעילה – deriving benefit from הקדש?

Learn “תוס’ שבת דף כא. “שמחת בית השואבה 

Learn “תוס’ דף נא. “שעליהן

Learn “תוסי דף נא: “קרא

Learn רמב״ם הלכות לולב פרק ח הלכה יב-יד 

Who lists the details discussed in the mishnah.

Note the differences between the Rambam and the Mishnah 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום רביעי Tamuz 4, Daf 25b-26a (07/10/24)

Review the “גמרא דף כה: ” ההיא אבוורנקא (four lines from bottom of the amud) until דף כו (two dots) – (do not focus today on the understanding of the three questions that were asked to רבא)

Learn the רש”י דף כו. “להרע who presents an entirely new explanation in the Gemara from the תשובות הגאונים

What are the differences between how Rashi and the תשובות הגאונים explain 

1. Where it was prohibited to carry and why?

2. Where did רב הונא בר חיננא install the posts?

3. How did it permit carrying?

4. Why did רבא remove the posts? 

5. Does רב פפא & רב הונא בריה דרב יהושע agree with רבא or argue with him?

6. What did the ריש גלותא mean when he said וחכמים המה להרע ולהיטיב לא ידעו

Why does Rashi favor the explanation of the תשובות הגאונים more than the explanation that he gave?

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום שלישי Tamuz 3, Daf 25b-26a (07/09/24)

Learn the “גמרא דף כה: ” ההיא אבוורנקא (four lines from bottom of the amud) until דף כו (two dots) 

Clarify where it was prohibited to carry and why?

What did רב הונא בר חיננא do and how did it permit carrying?

Why did Rava remove the posts? 

Did רב פפא & רב הונא בריה דרב יהושע agree with Rava or argue with him?

Learn the רש”י דף כו. “להרע which gives an entirely new explanation in the Gemara 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Sukkah: Fifth Perek, – Monday night shiur, Tamuz 3, Daf 51a (07/08/24)

Review the גמרא דף נא. “ורבי ירמיה בר אבא (one third down the Amud) until “מיתיבי (middle of the Amud) and continue learning the Gemara until “מאי טעמא”


According to רבי ירמיה בר אבא everyone agrees that the musical instruments were played daily at the Nisuch hayayin of the Korban Tamid even on Shabbos and Yom tov.  Why was this permitted is it because they hold עיקר שירה בכלי or because of a different reason?

Learn שפת אמת דף נא. “אבל בשיר של קרבן

Learn תוס’ דף נא. “כתנאי


Tosfos first answer seems to contradict תוסי דף נ: “ורבנן who said the musical instruments were not played during the Simchas Beis Hashoeva due to the numerous instruments which would break frequently and need to be fixed?

Which explanation of the machlokes between ר’ יוסי בר יהודה and the רבנן does the יורשלמי side with – רב יוסף or רבי ירמיה בר אבא ?

Learn מהרש”א

Learn ערוך לנר דף נא. תוס’ תנאי for a different explanation than the שפת אמת and the מהרש”א

See רש”י “הכי גרסינן 


What is the reason why playing musical instruments are permitted? Is it because the mitzvah of Simcha for the Nisuch Hamayim is only drabanan or because it’s not part of the Avodah? 

Learn חידושי גרי”ז סוכה דף נ (last piece in the Sefer)

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום שני Tamuz 2, Daf 25b-26a (07/08/24)

Conclusion of Sugya : “גמרא דף כ”ה: “ההוא בוסתנא 


Why does Tosfos explain the case differently from Rashi? 

How do we conclude l’halacha? like Rashi or Tosfos? 

Learn שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ שנ”ח סע’ יד and the משנה ברורה

According to Tosfos explanation of the conclusion of the Gemara 

What is the status of a קרפף יותר מבית סאתים that has a house inside of it. If the house is destroyed does the Karfef remain permitted to carry inside of?

See ביאור הלכה ס’ שנ”ח סע’ יד “חוזר  

Learn the “גמרא דף כ”ה: ” ההיא אבוורנקא (four lines from bottom of the amud) until דף כו (two dots) 

Clarify where it was prohibited to carry and why?

What did רב הונא בר חיננא do and how did it permit carrying?

Why did Rava remove the posts? 

Did רב פפא & רב הונא בריה דרב יהושע agree with Rava or argue with him?

Learn the רש”י דף כו. “להרע which gives an entirely new explanation in the Gemara 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום חמישי Sivan 28, Daf 25b (07/04/24)

Very quickly review the “גמרא דף כ”ה: “ההוא בוסתנא (middle of the amud) until “ההיא אבוורנקא


According to Rashi does the אפדנא also become אסור to carry inside? 

Learn ריטב”א for his interpretation of Rashi and additional explanations of the Gemara 

Learn “תוס’ “ההוא

Draw a diagram of the scenario of the Gemara according to Rashi & according to Tosfos. 


How are they different?

Why does Tosfos explain the case differently from Rashi? 

What rule l’halacha do we learn from this Gemara?

Learn שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ שנ”ח סע’ יד and the משנה ברורה

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום רביעי Sivan 27, Daf 25b (07/03/24)

Review the “גמרא דף כ”ה: “ההוא בוסתנא (middle of the amud) until “ההיא אבוורנקא

According to Rashi does the אפדנא also become אסור to carry inside?
Learn ריטב”א for his interpretation of Rashi and additional explanations of the Gemara

Learn “תוס’ “ההוא
Draw a diagram of the scenario of the Gemara according to Rashi & according to Tosfos.
How are they different?
Why does Tosfos explain the case differently from Rashi?

What rule l’halacha do we learn from this Gemara?
Learn שולחן ערוך או”ח ס’ שנ”ח סע’ יד and the משנה ברורה