Category: Morning Chabura

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום חמישי Av 2, Daf 12b (07/20/23)

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Quickly review the “גמרא דף יב: “איתביה יתר על כן (middle of the Amud)  until “אמר רב יהודה” 

Conclusion of Sugya: Amount of walls needed to create a Reshus Hayachid

The Gemara asks a question from the machlokes Rebbe Yehuda and the Rabanan in regards to two mechitzos on the two sides of a Reshus Harabim. 

What is the question and the answer of the Gemara?

Review תוס’ “איתיביה

List the three different explanations () in the question of the Gemara and the Nafka Mina between them in Hilchos Mechitzos 





According to the conclusion of the Gemara, how many mechitzas are required to create a Reshus Hayachid?

Learn רא”ש סוכה פרק א ס’ ט

Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק י”ז הלכה ט

According to many Rishonim only three walls are required to create a Reshus Hayachid, and can be accomplished with two full walls and a lechi. Do the two full walls need to be parallel or perpendicular or doesn’t matter?

Learn ביאור הלכה ס’ שס”ג, א “אסרו חכמים

See the חזון איש note on this ביאור הלכה

Major Question:

The Gemara seems to say clearly that only three walls are necessary to create a Reshus Hayachid. How does the Rambam who rules that four walls are required learn our gemara?

Learn רבינו חננאל on the side of the Gemara for a different way to explain our gemara.

Major Question on ר”ח and Rambam:

In the answer of the Gemara having three walls and a lechi is considered a Reshus Hayachid.  But according to Rava לחי is a היכר why is this Mavui considered a Reshus Hayachid?

Why does ר”ח say the tikun on the third side is a door? Why not a Tzuras hapesach?

See דברי יחזקאל ס’ ה אות יב

Continue learning the the “גמרא דף יב: ” אמר רב יהודה אמר רב מבוי (2/3 down the Amud) until the bottom of the Amud

Learn תוס’ “להוי

Learn תוס’ “ובתים

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום רביעי Rosh Chodesh Av, Daf 12b (07/19/23)

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Review the “גמרא דף יב: “איתביה יתר על כן (middle of the Amud)  until “אמר רב יהודה” 

The Gemara asks a question from the machlokes Rebbe Yehuda and the Rabanan in regards to two mechitzos on the two sides of a Reshus Harabim. 

What is the question and the answer of the Gemara?

See Rashi 

Questions on Rashi:

How could Rashi say the Rabanan agree to Rebbe Yehuda that only need a lechi or korah on each side? The Gemara on Daf 6a said the rabanan require a tzuras hapesach on one side and a lechi or korah on the other?

If Rebbe Yehuda holds two mechitzos create a Reshus Hayachid where is there a case of a סרטיא or פלטיא that is considered a Reshus Harabim (listed in גמרא שבת דף ו) as their roads had walls on the side of them?   

Learn ריטב”א

Learn תוס’ “איתיביה

Is Tosfos explanation the same as Rashi?

Learn ביאור הלכה ס’ שס”ג, א “אסרו חכמים

Is Tosfos explanation the same as the Ritva? 


According to the conclusion of the Gemara, how many mechitzas are required to create a Reshus Hayachid?

Learn רא”ש סוכה פרק א ס’ ט

Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק י”ז הלכה ט

Major Question:

The Gemara seems to say clearly that only three walls are necessary to create a Reshus Hayachid. How does the Rambam who rules that four walls are required learn our gemara?

Learn רבינו חננאל on the side of the Gemara for a different way to explain our gemara.

Major Question on ר”ח and Rambam:

In the answer of the Gemara having three walls and a lechi is considered a Reshus Hayachid.  But according to Rava לחי is a היכר why is this Mavui considered a Reshus Hayachid?

See דברי יחזקאל ס’ ה אות יב

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום שלישי Tamuz 29, Daf 12b (07/18/23)

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Quickly review the “גמרא דף יב: “אמר רב יהודה ( two dots on top Amud) until “אמר רב יהודה”  (middle of the Amud)


According to the conclusion of the Gemara, how many mechitzas are required to create a Reshus Hayachid?

Learn רא”ש סוכה פרק א ס’ ט

Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק י”ז הלכה ט

Major Question:

The Gemara seems to say clearly that only three walls are necessary to create a Reshus Hayachid. How does the Rambam who rules that four walls are required learn our gemara?

Learn רבינו חננאל on the side of the Gemara for a different way to explain our gemara.

The Gemara asks a question from the machlokes Rebbe Yehuda and the Rabanan in regards to two mechitzos on the two sides of a Reshus Harabim. 

What is the question and the answer of the Gemara?

See Rashi 

See ריטב”א who asks multiple questions on Rashi

Learn תוס’ “איתיביה

Is Tosfos explanation the same as Rashi

See ביאור הלכה ס’ שס”ג, א “אסרו חכמים

Major Question on ר”ח and Rambam:

In the answer of the Gemara having three walls and a lechi is considered a Reshus Hayachid.  But according to Rava לחי is a היכר why is this Mavui considered a Reshus Hayachid?

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום שני Tamuz 28, Daf 12b (07/17/23)

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Learn the “גמרא דף יב: “אמר רב יהודה ( two dots on top Amud) until אמר רב יהודה  (middle of the Amud)

How many mechitzas are required to create a Reshus Hayachid?

See רא”ש סוכה פרק א ס’ ט

Learn רמב”ם ה’שבת פרק י”ז הלכה ט

Major Question:

The Gemara seems to say clearly that only three walls are necessary to create a Reshus Hayachid. How does the Rambam who rules that four walls are required learn out gemara?

Learn רבינו חננאל  on side of the Gemara 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום חמישי Tamuz 24, Daf 12a-12b (07/13/23)

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Learn the “גמרא דף יב. “תנו רבנן לשון ים (three lines from bottom of the Amud) until the two dots on top of דף יב עמוד ב

The Gemara concludes in the case חצר נפרצה לים it is prohibited to draw from the water but permitted to carry inside the Chatzer as long as there are גידודי. Rashi explains גידודי is a wall under the water. 

Major Question: 

If the wall that is being covered by the water is good enough to allow one to carry  inside the Chatzer why does it not also allow one to draw from the water?

Learn תוס’ דף יב: “הכא for many different explanations of the Gemara. 

Write out all the different explanations of the gemara answer of גידודי

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום רביעי Tamuz 23, Daf 12a-12b (07/12/23)

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Learn the “גמרא דף יב. “רב יוסף (fifth line of the medium sized lines) until the two dots on top of דף יב עמוד ב


Why does a Chatzer require a different and more stringent תיקון than a Mavui to permit one to carry inside the Chatzer?

Learn שו”ת רשב”א חלק ה ס’ רג

Learn “תוס’ “בפסי

Learn מהרש”א

The Gemara concludes in the case חצר נפרצה לים it is prohibited to draw from the water but permitted to carry inside the Chatzer as long as there are גידודי. Rashi explains גידודי is a wall under the water. 

Major Question

If the wall that is being covered by the water is good enough to allow one to carry  inside the Chatzer why does it not also allow one to draw from the water?

Learn תוס’ דף יב: “הכא

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום שלישי Tamuz 22, Daf 12a-12b (07/11/23)

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Very quickly review the “גמרא דף יב. “אמר רב ששת (middle of the Amud) until “אמר רב יוסף” (fifth line of the medium sized lines)

Clarify the different opinions of what is required to permit carrying in a Chatzer.

Learn “ריטב”א “מרוח אחת who asks multiple questions on Rashi’s explanation of the Rabanan. The Ritva argues on Rashi and gives a different explanation in what is the opinion of the Rabanan.

Continue learning the Gemara from “אמר רב יוסף” (fifth line of the medium sized lines) until the two dots on top of דף יב עמוד ב

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום שני Tamuz 21, Daf 12a (07/10/23)

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Learn the “גמרא דף יב. “אמר רב ששת (middle of the Amud) until “אמר רב יוסף” (fifth line of the medium sized lines)

Clarify the different opinions of what is required to permit carrying in a Chatzer

Learn “ריטב”א “מרוח אחת who asks multiple questions on Rashi’s explanation of the Rabanan. The Ritva argues on Rashi and gives a different explanation in what is the opinion of the Rabanan. 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום חמישי Shiva Asar B’Tamuz , Daf 11b-12a (07/06/23)

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ery quickly review the גמרא דף יא: “ר’ אליעזר אומר (two dots – three lines from bottom of the Amud) until דף יב. “אמר מר (twelve lines from top of Amud)


What is the meaning of ר’ אליעזר response “יסתום ומה בכך”? 

The Gemara quotes the opinion of רשב”ג that ב”ש agrees to ב”ה when the width of a Mavui is less than four Amos only a Lechi is required.

What connection does this have to the question the gemara asked whether ר’ אליעזר requires just two lechi’s or also a Korah? 

How does the Gemara conclude as to what is opinion of ר’ אליעזר?

Learn “ח’ ר”ן דף יב. “אי who addresses these questions (emailed the attachment yesterday)

Continue learning the Gemara until דף יב. “אמר רב ששת (middle of the Amud)

Continue learning the גמרא דף יב. “אמר רב ששת (middle of the Amud) until “אמר רב יוסף (fifth line of the medium sized lines)

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום רביעי Tamuz 16, Daf 11b-12a (07/05/23)

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Learn the גמרא דף יא: “ר’ אליעזר אומר (two dots – three lines from bottom of the Amud) until דף יב. “אמר מר (twelve lines from top of Amud)


Is ר’ אליעזר in accordance with ב”ש or ב”ה?

See רבינו יהונתן

Learn “ח’ ר”ן דף יא: “איבעיא 

What is the meaning of ר’ אליעזר response “יסתום ומה בכך”? 

The Gemara quotes the opinion of רשב”ג that ב”ש agrees to ב”ה when the width of a Mavui is less than four Amos only a Lechi is required.

What connection does this have to the question the gemara asked whether ר’ אליעזר requires just two lechi’s or also a Korah? 

How does the Gemara conclude as to what is opinion of ר’ אליעזר?

Learn “ח’ ר”ן דף יב. “אי who addresses these questions 

Continue learning the Gemara until דף יב. “אמר רב ששת (middle of the Amud)

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום שלישי Tamuz 15, Daf 11b-12a (07/04/23)

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Very quickly review the גמרא דף יא עמוד ב from after the Mishna until the two dots.

Note the גירסא change of the הגהות הגר”א (side of the Gemara) from the ר”ח

What changes in conclusion of the gemara according to the גירסא change of the גר”א

Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק י”ד הלכה א

and פרק י”ז הלכה ט

And השגת ראב”ד on side of the Rambam

Questions on the Rambam:

How many walls does the Rambam rule is required to create a Reshus Hayachid? (See מגיד משנה)

How could the Rambam seemingly rule contrary to the Gemara?

Learn the מגיד משנה for an answer.

Learn מאירי who also explains the Gemara similar to the Rambam’s ruling.

Continue learning the גמרא דף יא: “ר’ אליעזר אומר (two dots – three lines from bottom of the Amud) until דף יב. “אמר רשב”ג (four lines from top of Amud)


Is ר’ אליעזר in accordance with ב”ש or ב”ה?

See רבינו יהונתן

And ח’ ר”ן

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום שני Tamuz 14, Daf 11b (07/03/23)

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Review the גמרא דף יא עמוד ב from after the Mishna until the two dots.


What is the inference from the mishna that implies Beis Shammai requires four walls to create a Reshus Hayachid? 

Learn ריטב”א דף יא: “לימא קסברי 

Learn beginning of רשב”א דף יא: “לימא קסברי 

The Gemara seemingly concludes that according to Beis Shammai three walls are required to create a Reshus Hayachid.

And according to Beis Hillel only two walls are needed. 

Is this indeed the Halacha that only two walls are needed to create a Reshus Hayachid?

Learn ריטב”א דף יא: “הדר אמרינן 

Learn the rest of רשב”א דף יא: “לימא קסברי to explain the conclusion of the Gemara. 

Note the גירסא change of the הגהות הגר”א (side of the Gemara) 

What changes in conclusion of the gemara according to the גירסא change of the גר”א

Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק י”ד הלכה א

and פרק י”ז הלכה ט

How many walls does the Rambam rule is required to create a Reshus Hayachid? (See מגיד משנה)

How could the Rambam seemingly rule contrary to the Gemara?

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום חמישי Tamuz 10, Daf 11b (06/29/23)

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Learn משנה דף יא: “הכשר מבוי 


Why does Beis Shammai require a Lechi plus a Korah?

Learn the Gemara from the Mishna until the two dots.


What is the inference from the mishna that implies Beis Shammai requires four walls to create a Reshus Hayachid? 

Learn “ריטב”א דף יא: “לימא קסברי

Learn beginning of “רשב”א דף יא: “לימא קסברי  

The Gemara seemingly concludes that according to Beis Shammai three walls are required to create a Reshus Hayachid.

And according to Beis Hillel only two walls are needed. 

Is this indeed the Halacha that only two walls are needed to create a Reshus Hayachid?

Learn ריטב”א דף יא: “הדר אמרינן 

Learn the rest of רשב”א דף יא: “לימא קסברי to explain the conclusion of the Gemara. 

Note the גירסא change of the הגהות הגר”א (side of the Gemara) 

What changes in conclusion of the gemara according to the גירסא change of the גר”א

Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק י”ד הלכה א

and פרק י”ז הלכה ט

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום רביעי Tamuz 9, Daf 11b (06/28/23)

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Conclusion of סוגיא צורת הפתח – כיפה  – Arch 

In conclusion how do we rule as to which types of archs are considered a צורת הפתח?

Learn שולחן ארוך יו”ד ס’ רפ”ז ה’ מזוזה

Learn שולחן ארוך או”ח ס’ שס”ב סע’ יב and משנה ברורה

Learn חזון איש או”ח ס’ ע”א ס”ק ג

Sagging Wires

Is a צורת הפתח which top wire sags (bows) kosher? 

Learn שער הציון או”ח ס’ שס”ב אות נו which quotes the opinion of משכנות יעקב ס’ קכ”ג 

Learn חזון איש או”ח ס’ ע”א ס”ק י

And אמרי יושר חלק ה’ ס’ קל”א 

Obstruction between Lechi & Top String

Learn ט”ז או”ח ס’ שס”ב ס”ק י”ט

See משנה ברורה ס’ שס”ג ס”ק קיב

And ערוך השולחן או”ח ס’ שס”ב סע’ מו

Question on halacha אין צריכין ליגע – side posts do not need to extend until the top crossbeam. 

Why not?

See משנה ברורה שס”ב ס”ק סב which says the reason is because of גוד אסיק

Major Question:

In the Sugya of כיפה  in the case of a doorframe which is an arched on top. The gemara says if the side posts are ten tefachim tall everyone agrees it’s considered a צורת הפתח.  Rashi says this is a proof that the side posts do not need to extend to touch the top cross beam. 

How could this be considered a צורת הפתח  through גוד אסיק , there is solid material separating the top of the side posts and the cross beam? 

See אבני נזר או”ח ס’ רס”ד which asks the rule of גוד אסיק is universal,  why does רב ששת say צריכים ליגע? 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום שלישי Tamuz 8, Daf 11b (06/27/23)

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Conclusion of סוגיא צורת הפתח – כיפה  – arch


Why is an arched door frame which starts to arch from the bottom of the side posts not obligated in mezuzah?

Is it only when lacking width of 4 tefachim with a minimum height of 3 tefachim or is it because a door frame needs to have straight side posts and a flat lintel?

Is a doorframe which is wider than four tefachim that begins to arch from bottom of the side posts considered a צורת הפתח ?

See Rashi – Beis Yosef

See רש”י דף יא עמוד ב on our sugya 

Learn ח’ ר”ן “כיפה

Learn ריטב”א “ר”מ מחייב 

Learn רמב”ם ה’ מזוזה פרק ו הלכה ד

Why does the Rambam omit the detail of minimum width of four tefachim for the doorway?

Why is a doorframe which side posts begin to arch before ten tefachim from the ground exempt from mezuzah? 

How does the Shulchan Aruch conclude?

Learn שולחן ארוך יו”ד ס’ רפ”ז

Learn שולחן ארוך או”ח ס’ שס”ב סע’ יב and משנה ברורה

Learn חזון איש או”ח ס’ ע”א ס”ק ג

Sagging Wires

Is a צורת הפתח which top wire sags (bows) kosher? 

Learn שער הציון או”ח ס’ שס”ב אות נו which quotes the opinion of משכנות יעקב ס’ קכ”ג 


חזון איש או”ח ס’ ע”א ס”ק י

And אמרי יושר חלק ה’ ס’ קל”א 

Obstruction between Lechi & Top String

Learn ט”ז או”ח ס’ שס”ב ס”ק י”ט

See משנה ברורה ס’ שס”ג ס”ק קיב

And ערוך השולחן או”ח ס’ שס”ב סע’ מו

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום שני Tamuz 7, Daf 11b (06/26/23)

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Review גמרא דף יא: “אשכחיה רב ששת (seven lines before the Mishna) until the Mishna.

See רש”י “חייבת which brings two גירסאות  in the gemara. Rashi says this gemara is proof that the side posts do not need to touch the top post.  

What is the proof?

Is the proof only from the opinion of the Rabanan or also from Rebbe Meir?

What is the difference between the two גירסאות?

Why is an arched door frame which starts to arch from the bottom of the side posts not obligated in mezuzah?

Is it only when lacking width of 4 tefachim with a minimum height of 3 tefachim or is it because a door frame needs to have straight side posts and a flat lintel?

Learn “ח’ ר”ן “כיפה

Learn “ריטב”א “ר”מ מחייב

Learn רמב”ם ה’ מזוזה פרק ו הלכה ד

And שולחן ערוך יו”ד ס’ רפ”ז

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום חמישי Tamuz 3, Daf 11b (06/22/23)

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Learn גמרא דף יא: “אשכחיה רב ששת (seven lines before the Mishna) until the Mishna.

Clarify what the concept of חוקקין להשלים 

See רש”י “חייבת which brings two גירסאות  in the gemara. Rashi says this gemara is a proof that the side posts do not need to touch the top post.  

What is the proof?

Is the proof only from the opinion of the Rabanan or also from Rebbe Meir?

What is the difference between the two גירסאות?

Why is an arched doorframe which starts to arch from the bottom of the side posts not obligated in mezuzah?

Is it only when lacking width of 4 tefachim with a minimum height of 3 tefachim or is it because a doorframe needs to have straight side posts and a flat lintel?

Learn “ח’ ר”ן “כיפה

Learn “ריטב”א “ר”מ מחייב

Learn רמב”ם ה’ מזוזה פרק ו הלכה ד

And שולחן ארוך יו”ד ס’ רפ”ז

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום רביעי Tamuz 2, Daf 11b (06/21/23)

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Quickly review משנה ברורה ס’ שס”ב ס”ק סו which discusses a machlokes whether the top crossbeam/ string needs to be taught so it will not sway in the wind.

Why do the יש מחמירים disqualify a צורת הפתח which the top string sways in the wind?

According to the יש מחמירים how much swaying is acceptable?

The Mishna Berurah brings the opinion of the מחצית השקל that is based on a phenomenal chidush in what creates the mechitza of a צורת הפתח 

Learn the חזון איש או”ח ס’ ע”ז ס”ק ו (in the back of some prints of the Mishna Berurah)

According to the חזון איש when is the top string swaying an issue and why?

Other opinions on amount of swaying in the wind. 

See ערוך השולחן או”ח ס’ שס”ב סע’ לז

See  אג”מ או”ח ח”ה ס’ מ אות ב (in middle)

See אמרי יושר ח”ב ס’ קל”ג

Learn גמרא דף יא: “אשכחיה רב ששת (seven lines before the Mishna) until the Mishna

Clarify what the concept of חוקקין להשלים  and what the machlokes is. 

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום שלישי Rosh Chodesh Tamuz (Day 2), Daf 11b (06/20/23)

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Very quickly review גמרא דף יא: “גופא (tenth wide line) until “אשכחיה רב ששת ” (seven lines before the next Mishnah) 


שולחן ארוך או”ח ס’ שס”ב סעיף יא

Learn משנה ברורה ס”ק סו which discusses a machlokes whether the top crossbeam/ string needs to be taught so it will not sway in the wind.

What is the issue of the top string swaying in the wind?

How much swaying is acceptable?

The Mishna Berurah brings the opinion of the מחצית השקל that is based on a phenomenal chidush in what creates the mechitza of a צורת הפתח 

Learn the חזון איש או”ח ס’ ע”ז ס”ק ו (in the back of some prints of the Mishna Berurah) who

1. Disagrees on the מחצית השקל opinion of what creates the mechitza from a צורת הפתח 

2. Explains the issue of swaying in the wind 

3. Gives an amount of how much swaying will disqualify

Other opinions on amount of swaying in the wind. 

See ערוך השולחן או”ח ס’ שס”ב סע’ לז

See  אג”מ או”ח ח”ה ס’ מ אות ב (in middle)

See אמרי יושר ח”ב ס’ קל”ג

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום שני Rosh Chodesh (Day 1) Tamuz , Daf 11b (06/19/23)

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Learn גמרא דף יא: “גופא (tenth wide line) until “אשכחיה רב ששת ” (seven lines before the next Mishnah) 

The gemara lists three halachos in regards to a צורת הפתח 

1. The strength of the צורת הפתח 

2. Requirement to have a היכר ציר – a hole to place the peg for the door

3. Whether the side posts need to extend all the way until the horizontal cross beam/string

How do we rule l’halacha?

Learn שולחן ארוך או”ח ס’ שס”ב סעיף יא 

Why doesn’t the Shulchan Aruch require a היכר ציר as the gemara states this requirement without any opinions who disagreed? 

Learn משנה ברורה ס”ק ס – סג 

Why does the top string have a leniency over the side posts? 

Learn משנה ברורה ס”ק סו 

Note how the Mishna Berurah explains the mechanics of a צורת הפתח 

What is the issue of the top string swaying in the wind?

How much swaying is acceptable?

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: First Perek, יום חמישי Sivan 26, Daf 11b (06/15/23)

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Quickly review the שולחן ארוך או”ח ס’ שס”ב סעיף י and the משנה ברורה 


How does the Shulchan Aruch rule in regards to 

A צורת הפתח on an opening wider than 10 Amos?

Openings which are פרוץ מרובה  which are less than 10 Amos wide?

Openings which are פרוץ מרובה which are wider than 10 Amos?

Is an עירוב constructed entirely from צורת הפתח from all four sides valid?

Learn ביאור הלכה  “אבל בבקעה” & “כשכל

Learn גמרא דף יא: “גופא (tenth wide line) until “אשכחיה רב ששת ” (seven lines before the next Mishnah) 

The gemara lists three halachos in regards to a צורת הפתח 

1. The strength of the צורת הפתח 

2. Requirement to have a היכר ציר – a hole to place the peg for the door

3. Whether the side posts need to extend all the way until the horizontal cross beam/string

How do we rule l’halacha?

Learn שולחן ארוך או”ח ס’ שס”ב סעיף יא 

Why doesn’t the Shulchan Aruch require a היכר ציר as the gemara states this requirement without any opinions who disagreed? 

Learn משנה ברורה ס”ק ס – סג  and ס”ק סו 

Why is the top string have a leniency over the side posts? 

Learn שולחן ארוך או”ח ס’ שס”ב סעיף יא and the משנה ברורה ס”ק ס – סג  and ס”ק סו 

Here are the 3 pages in the Mishnah Berurah that are referenced in the shiur: