Continue learning the גמרא דף נו עמוד ב from the two dots until the Mishna
Learn the משנה דף נו and the גמרא דף נו until the two dots on דף נו עמוד ב
What is the reason that the Mishmar that is leaving gets an equal portion of lechem panim when yom tov and Shabbos follow each other?
See Rashi
Learn רמב”ם ה’ תמידין פרק ד הלכה יב who gives a different explanation than Rashi.
See ה’ ראב”ד who asks on the Rambam and the ה’ רדב”ז and כסף משנה who explains the Rambam
Which Mishmar receives two challos from the lechem hapanim when there is one day in between yom tov and shabbos? Why?
See Rashi
Learn רמב”ם ה’ תמידין פרק ד הלכה יג who explains the Gemara entirely different than Rashi
See ה’ ראב”ד who asks on the Rambam and the ה’ רדב”ז and כסף משנה who explains the Rambam