Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום שני Tamuz 23, Daf 26b (07/29/24)

Review “גמרא דף כו: “כשתימצי לומר (top of the Amud) until “כמאן אזלא” (ten lines from top of Amud) 


What is the point of dispute between ר”א and the רבנן in regards to being מבטל ones home, and whether one needs to specify that he is being מבטל to each individual?

According to the Rabanan – 

If the person who did not participate in the Eruv was מבטל to only one of the residents of the Chatzer and then the residents made an Eruv together. Would all the residents be permitted to carry from their homes to the courtyard? 

Bring a proof from רש”י כו: “לא נצרכה

Learn ביאור הלכה ס’ ש”פ סע’ א “צריך


According to the Rabanan – 

If the מבטל says “my רשות” instead of “my chatzer” is בטל to you, will the house be included in the ביטול?

If the מבטל says “לכולכם” – to all of you. Is that sufficient to be considered he was מבטל to each resident personally?

Can the מבטל renege his ביטול? 

How can the residents lock in the ביטול? 

How do we conclude l’halacha?

Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ ש”פ סע’ א and the משנה ברורה



(also see ס’ שפ”א סע’ א)

In case where the person is only מבטל his rights in the courtyard. The מבטל is permitted to carry items from the other residents houses to the courtyard. However he is not allowed to carry items from his own house to the courtyard.


Learn רש”י 

Learn רבינו יהונתן who gives a different explanation than Rashi


If the other residents of the courtyard made a Chazaka after the person was מבטל his rights in the courtyard. May he now carry from his house into the courtyard?

Learn ריטב”א 


Learn רשב”א who brings a different reason from the ראב”ד why the מבטל is not allowed to carry items from his own house to the courtyard.

How do we conclude l’halacha?

Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ ש”פ סע’ א and the משנה ברורה

In case where the person is also מבטל his rights in his house in addition to the courtyard. Is the מבטל permitted to carry items from his own house to the courtyard? Why or why not?

Does it matter if the other residents made a chazaka in the courtyard?

Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ ש”פ סע’ ב and the משנה ברורה

Can the מבטל carry items from the other residents homes to the courtyard before they made a chazaka in the courtyard?

See ביאור הלכה “וגם