Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Eruvin: Second Perek, יום שני Iyar 5, Daf 24b-25a (05/13/24)

Conclusion of the Sugya – “גמרא דף כד: “ההיא רחבה (seven lines from top of the Amud) until “הילכך” (four lines from bottom of the Amud) 

Make a chart with the four different solutions to permit one to carry in the רחבה, שביל & מבוי

Specify how Rashi explains them and how Tosfos explains them 

Write the reasons why the Gemara requests the first three solutions. 

List the four questions תוס’ “ליעבד צורת הפתח  asks on Rashi.

Draw a diagram of the case of the Gemara illustrating the areas Rashi and Tosfos disagree.

How does Tosfos explanation of the Gemara avoid all the questions he asked on Rashi?

How can we answer the questions to defend the position of Rashi?

Continue learning the גמרא דף כד: “הילכך (four lines from bottom of the Amud)  until דף כה. “קרפף (second line of the Amud)