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Rabbi Zev Wolbe: Mishna Berura Halacha Shiur – Hilchos Shabbos – Siman 307 – Halachos of How a Person Should Speak on Shabbos (01/21/25)
Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Shabbos: Perek Kirah, יום שלישי, Teves 21 Daf 38a Sugya – מעשה שבת (01/21/25)
Sugya – מעשה שבת
We discussed at length the machlokes between ר’ מאיר, ר’ יהודה, & ר’ יוחנן הסנדלר as to when and to whom is food cooked on Shabbos prohibited to.
What is the halacha if one violates an איסור דרבנן – is the ruling the same as violating an איסור דאורייתא?
Learn משנה תרומות פרק ב,ג
Learn רמב”ם שבת פרק כג,ח
Learn ב’ גר”א ס”ק ב
How do we conclude?
Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ שי”ח, א with the משנה ברורה ס”ק ג & ז
See “ביאור הלכה “המבשל
R’ Ezra Mond: Morning Kollel: גמרא שבת – פרק שלישי – פרק כירה – משנה לט.-לט: גלגול ביצה בשבת (01/21/25)
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Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Shabbos: Third Perek – Monday night shiur Teves 21, Daf 37a (01/20/25)
Review the גמרא דף לז. “איבעיא להו until “ת”ש (fifth wide line) until
גמרא דף לח. “איבעיא להו (twelve lines from bottom of the Amud)
Question: Is the question of the Gemara whether סמיכה is permitted by שהייה or by חזרה? Learn תוס’ “מהו
If the question of the Gemara is in regards to חזרה what is the proof from the braissa which only discusses שהייה?
Learn רי”ף which brings a proof from this question that the halacha is like רבנןLearn רשב”א for a different explanation of the question of the Gemara
Clarify the three explanations of the Gemara question
1. Tosfos
2. Rif
3. Rashba
Review the first half of תוס’ “אא”ב and continue learning the rest of Tosfos
What’s the point of argument between Rashi and Tosfos?
What compelled Rashi to explain differently than the simple explanation offered by Tosfos?
How can Rashi answer the questions of Tosfos?
Rabbi Zev Wolbe: Mishna Berura Halacha Shiur – Hilchos Shabbos – Siman 307 – Halachos of How a Person Should Speak on Shabbos (01/20/25)
Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Shabbos: Perek Kirah, יום שני, Teves 20 Daf 38a Sugya – מעשה שבת (01/20/25)
Sugya – מעשה שבת
We discussed at length the machlokes between ר’ מאיר, ר’ יהודה, & ר’ יוחנן הסנדלר as to when and to whom is food cooked on Shabbos prohibited to.
Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק ו הלכה כג
Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ שי”ח, א which rules like ר’ יהודה
Bring a proof from our גמרא שבת דף לח. in regards to ר’ חייא בר אבא response to the halacha whether one may eat food that was left on the stovetop in prohibited manner – איסור שהייה
Learn ב’ גר”א ס”ק א until “ומה שדחה” then skip to last few lines before the end – starting with “אבל אין לדחות”
What is the halacha if one violates an איסור דרבנן – is the ruling the same as violating an איסור דאורייתא?
Learn משנה תרומות פרק ב,ג
Learn רמב”ם שבת פרק כג,ח
Learn ב’ גר”א ס”ק ב
How do we conclude?
Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ שי”ח, א with the משנה ברורה ס”ק ג & ז
See “ביאור הלכה “המבשל
R’ Alex Novichenok: Gemara Bava Metzia – First Perek – Shnayim Ochazin, Daf 2b (01/19/25)
Source Sheets:
Rabbi Mordechai Moshe Goldberg: Gemara Bava Metzia – First Perek, Daf 13b – Daf 14a (01/19/25)
Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Shabbos: Perek Kirah, יום חמישי, Teves 16 Daf 38a Sugya – מעשה שבת (01/16/25)
Sugya – מעשה שבת
Review גמרא בבא קמא דף עא. “המבשל בשבת until “בשלמא” (last line of the Amud)
We discussed at length the machlokes between ר’ מאיר, ר’ יהודה, & ר’ יוחנן הסנדלר as to when and to whom is food cooked on Shabbos prohibited to.
According to which opinion do we conclude lhalacha?
Learn ריף שבת דף יז. דפי ריף & ר”ן for a major machlokes Rishonim on this point
Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק ו הלכה כג
List the three opinions in the Rishonim according to whom do we conclude l’halacha and why
Note – the ruling of the Rambam when the food permitted to be eaten after Shabbos.
See רש”י חולין דף טו
What is the point of disagreement between Rashi and the Rambam?
Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ שי”ח, א with the משנה ברורה
Rabbi Zev Wolbe: Mishna Berura Halacha Shiur – Hilchos Shabbos – Siman 307 – Halachos of How a Person Should Speak on Shabbos (01/15/25)
Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Shabbos: Third Perek – Wednesday night shiur Teves 16, Daf 37a (01/15/25)
What is the conclusion of the Gemara in regards to when בתוכו is prohibited?
Learn the גמרא דף לז. “ת”ש from the second ת”ש until “איבעיא להו” (first wide line)
Learn the גמרא דף לז. “איבעיא להו until “ת”ש (fifth wide line)
Question: Is the question whether סמיכה is permitted in to שהייה or חזרה?
Learn תוס’ “מהו
If the question of the Gemara is in regards to חזרה what is the proof from the braissa which only discusses שהייה?
Learn רי”ף which brings a proof from this question the halacha is like רבנן
Learn רשב”א for a different explanation of the question of the Gemara
Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Shabbos: Perek Kirah, יום רביעי, Teves 15 Daf 38a Sugya – מעשה שבת (01/15/25)
Sugya – מעשה שבת
Review גמרא בבא קמא דף עא. “המבשל בשבת until “בשלמא” (last line of the Amud)
What is the point of argument between ר’ מאיר, ר’ יהודה, & ר’ יוחנן הסנדלר ?
When is the food permitted to be eaten after Shabbos?
Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק ו הלכה כג
Why does ר’ יוחנן הסנדלר prohibits the food that was deliberately cooked on Shabbos forever for everyone?
According to which opinion do we conclude lhalacha?
The Gemara brings a machlokes Amoraim between Rav Acha & Ravina whether food cooked on Shabbos is prohibited to be eaten מדאורייתא או מדרבנן .
Are they taking sides whether like ר’ יוחנן הסנדלר or ר’ יהודה of Is this argument in the opinion of ר’ יוחנן הסנדלר?
Learn ריף שבת דף יז דפי ריף & ר”ן for a major machlokes Rishonim on this point
Learn שולחן ערוך ס’ שי”ח, א
Rabbi Avraham Meisels: Gemara Pesachim – First Perek: Daf 9a (01/14/25)
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Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Shabbos: Perek Kirah, יום שלישי, Teves 14 Daf 38a Sugya – מעשה שבת (01/14/25)
Sugya – מעשה שבת
Review גמרא חולין דף טו. “דתנן המבשל בשבת (fourth line) until “ונוקמה” with Rashi
List the three opinions regarding the halacha of מעשה שבת
When is the food permitted to be eaten after Shabbos?
Learn רמב”ם ה’ שבת פרק ו הלכה כג
Why does ר’ יוחנן הסנדלר prohibits the food that was deliberately cooked on Shabbos forever for everyone?
Learn גמרא בבא קמא דף עא. “המבשל בשבת until “בשלמא” (last line of the Amud)
What is the point of argument between ר’ מאיר, ר’ יהודה, & ר’ יוחנן הסנדלר ?
Rabbi Zev Wolbe: Mishna Berura Halacha Shiur – Hilchos Shabbos – Siman 307 – Halachos of How a Person Should Speak on Shabbos (01/14/25)
Rabbi Yerachmiel Hamburger: Kinyan Hamesechta – Gemara Bava Metzia 28b – 29a: Ma yihiyeh bidamim …Ad kan lo pligi elah… (01/13/25)
Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Shabbos: Third Perek – Monday night shiur Teves 14, Daf 37a (01/13/25)
Very quickly review גמרא דף לז. “ת”ש until second ת”ש
Review the first half of תוס’ “אא”ב
What’s the point of argument between Rashi and Tosfos?
What is the conclusion of the Gemara in regards to when בתוכו is prohibited?
Continue learning the גמרא דף לז. “ת”ש from the second ת”ש until “איבעיא להו” (first wide line)
Rabbi Zev Wolbe: Mishna Berura Halacha Shiur – Hilchos Shabbos – Siman 307 – Halachos of How a Person Should Speak on Shabbos (01/13/25)
Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim: Gemara Shabbos: Perek Kirah, יום שני, Teves 13 Daf 38a Sugya – מעשה שבת (01/13/25)
Sugya – מעשה שבת
Very quickly review the גמרא דף לז: “בעו מיניה (last line) until the two dots on bottom of דף לח.
Learn תוס’ “אבל
Learn גמרא חולין דף טו. “דתנן המבשל בשבת (fourth line) until “ונוקמה”
Learn גמרא בבא קמא דף עא. “המבשל בשבת
R’ Alex Novichenok: Gemara Bava Metzia – First Perek – Shnayim Ochazin, Daf 2b (01/12/25)
Source Sheets: